I'm trying to connect my PI to the world through homeplug with no success at all.
Connected directly to router the PI have no problem with networking.
Is there any way to make homeplugs work as well?
what is a homeplug? can you specify please ?
do you use DHCP or Static IP ? try to set static IP from under System>Settings>XBian
for some reason new network settings are not saved, getting this error: "network settings: no return code from xbian-config"
Then try to exit XBMC, login as user: xbian, password: raspberry and try to configure your network from xbian-config that will pop-up.
thanks, i got the static ip set, but it still does not get connection.
So far i found that from 3 power sockets i get internet connection with homeplug, with static or dhcp.
And all the other - no connection at all, even though i do not see any problem in logs and printouts.
Can it be some power problem? I checked this plug at problematic location with my laptop, and it gets connection with no problem.
Maybe you have more than one power circuit in your house. The homeplug connection probably won't jump across different circuits. Have a look inside your breaker box - do you have two or more GPO (general purpose outlet) breakers? If you switch off one of them does it only affect the circuits that do/don't work with homeplug?
it worked with laptop but not RPi so this would not be an issue
that was 1st thing what came across my mind too

Are you sure your laptop is not using wifi when you test?
I use this kind of material in my job, and it should be transparent for pi.
is all the led are on and green on the plug?
yes, i turned it off, the wifi
ok, so no idea.
what is the result of ifconfig?
Is it possible the network signal is being weakened or corrupted in the mains wiring?
As the homeplug relies on filtering the network signal from the mains, perhaps there are appliances on the offending power circuits which are causing interference. You could try turning off as many appliances as possible and see if that helps.
Alternatively the problematic outlets may have too much wiring between them and the source, thus a weak signal.
The laptop may work as it may be able to resolve the signal from the noise more effectively.
Just a thought.