
Full Version: Advancedsettings Timeseek Ignored
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I have set a fifteen second backward time seek under the video section of my advancedsettings. However Xbian seems to ignore the setting and continues to use 30 seconds. The 30 second line is ahead of the 15 second line and commented out.

The advancedsettings file is located in \xbian\.xbmc\userdata & the actual line is:

Any suggestions why Xbian is either ignoring the timeseek setting or perhaps not seeing the advancedsettings file?

Note that the same advancedsettings file works under Raspbian.


Raspberry Pi B (512)
Xbian: 1.0a5
XBMC 12.0 Git 20130127 Compiled Jan 30 2013
Maybe u did something wrong? Did u use <usetimeseeking>True?
   <gputempcommand>echo "$(/opt/vc/bin/vcgencmd measure_temp | grep -o "[0-9]\{2\}") C"</gputempcommand>
   <cputempcommand>echo "$(/opt/vc/bin/vcgencmd measure_temp | grep -o "[0-9]\{2\}") C"</cputempcommand>

Yes, I included usetimeseeking = True.

Here is the entire section, perhaps you will see something that escapes me.

As I said above, the same advancedsettings file works as expected in Raspbian.


  <usetimeseeking>true</usetimeseeking>  <!-- Whether to use time based or percentage based seeking. -->
#  <smallstepbackseconds>7</smallstepbackseconds>  <!-- Length of the small skip back (normally the BACK button) when playing a video -->
        <timeseekforward>30</timeseekforward>  <!-- Time to seek forward in seconds when doing a short seek.  Defaults to 30. -->
#      <timeseekbackward>-30</timeseekbackward>
        <timeseekbackward>-15</timeseekbackward>  <!-- Time to seek backward in seconds when doing a short seek.  Defaults to -30. -->
        <timeseekforwardbig>60</timeseekforwardbig>  <!-- Time to seek forward in seconds when doing a long seek.  Defaults to 600 (10 minutes). -->
        <timeseekbackwardbig>-45</timeseekbackwardbig>  <!-- Time to seek forward in seconds when doing a long seek.  Defaults to -600 (10 minutes). -->

I think you commented it out wrong, should be <!--key>value</key-->
I removed everything except the timeseek section and it now works, so apparently there was a problem some where else.

Thanks for you assistance.
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