advancedsettings.xml buffer function not working

Default buffer lenght still in use
default install and configuration + <cachemembuffersize>120</cachemembuffersize> value.
there is my default file:
<gputempcommand>echo "$(/opt/vc/bin/vcgencmd measure_temp | grep -o "[0-9]\{2\}") C"</gputempcommand>
<cputempcommand>echo "$(/opt/vc/bin/vcgencmd measure_temp | grep -o "[0-9]\{2\}") C"</cputempcommand>
depends where u stream from.if is local than buffer has nothing to do with only if you stream from web,so from //:http
(27th Mar, 2013 08:06 PM)rikardo1979 Wrote: [ -> ]depends where u stream from.if is local than buffer has nothing to do with only if you stream from web,so from //:http
or from nfs, smb, upnp, etc..
The cachemembuffer is useless in XBian because we use a custom XBMC which dynamically allocates the buffer
Thank You of your answer.
Yes. We streaming from http.
It is possible to disable dynamic buffer allocating ?
We looking for solution without buffering..
Thank You
(27th Mar, 2013 08:37 PM)Avriukas Wrote: [ -> ]Thank You of your answer.
Yes. We streaming from http.
It is possible to disable dynamic buffer allocating ?
We looking for solution without buffering..
Thank You
I don't know how techinical you are, but you can compile XBMC without the patch
It is possible, but took longer... hm..
It is interesting, that Openelec or Raspbmc buffering possible to make so small / disable and
it is wotking but until for example - screen calibratin. After that - Openelec or Raspbmc do in
the same maner like Xbian - turning on default buffering. Difference only that Xbian buffers
without config changes when Raspbmc or Openelec reacts to advancedsettings.xml small bufer
but only until we changeing screen calibration option

Why do you want to disable buffering?
IPTV so buggy. Sometimes channels showing, sometimes not, sometimes crashing and etc.
So, we using HTS TvHeadend 9982 port for TV.
So, before every channel we see buffering... buffering...
With nontouch Openelec config, when we setting so small buffer this solution
is good for us.. BUT.. after any config, as I said, default buffering is launching without change possibility
Hey ! My Xbian stopped buffering by itslef ! How it was possible ?
I just moved it to another house. But all config and server leave the same.
In both houses the same NAT and DHCP. Mhmhm....
Now i feel scary to configure screen calibration - because Xbian buffering
may return

I need to say that XBIAN vs other distribs running faster and without
unexplayn retention. I have try most popular distribs and Xbian
realy work correctly and fast. Xbian motivating me to continue make
my home project on Raspberry. Only buffer my future question

Thank You
(29th Mar, 2013 08:39 PM)Avriukas Wrote: [ -> ]Hey ! My Xbian stopped buffering by itslef ! How it was possible ?
I just moved it to another house. But all config and server leave the same.
In both houses the same NAT and DHCP. Mhmhm....
Now i feel scary to configure screen calibration - because Xbian buffering
may return
I need to say that XBIAN vs other distribs running faster and without
unexplayn retention. I have try most popular distribs and Xbian
realy work correctly and fast. Xbian motivating me to continue make
my home project on Raspberry. Only buffer my future question 
Thank You
I think I have a permanent solution: Check out this!
To me the largest factor is:
My understanding is this setting allows a stream to download at 4x the bitrate of the video, XBMC tries to download the stream in real-time by default which causes issues on an unstable internet connection. Increasing the readbufferfactor allows the buffer to fill at a faster rate therefore decreasing buffering in many circumstances.