
Full Version: Store Fanart on media drive, not on SD?
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Currently all fanart is stored in the XBMC Userdata folder, this means at some point the SD card will hit its limit. Also everytime SD card gets corrupt I need to re-image, wich formats the entire SD card. This means my library will have be build up from scratch, downloading fanart again.

A better solution would be to store the fanart together with the media files, in the same location. So that would be either USB harddisk or network drive. Are people already experimenting with this? Could speed be an issue? Perhaps only in the beginning since XBMC uses caching, which will be on the SD card.
try this
mv /ur/library /new/location
ln /new/location /ur/library

or it should be
ln /ur/library /new/location
OK, will try. And in case the SD card gets corrupt next time, all I would have to to after first boot is exit XBMC, login via SSH and do the ln trick again right?
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