Hi all,
i have some audio files in 24 bit 192Khz sample rates. Some are wav and some are flac.
None of them play properly on the pi. Is there anything I can do about this? The files play fine on my laptop.
I have done more research on this and it appears that it goes waaaay beyond xbian (or even xbmc) and therefore this thread should be deleted as there are better places to discuss it.
we would keep it if any info appears

or you would find some
yes and no..
dont get to excited as this would be more likely way too much for our little RPi..
will see,maybe a nice surprise one day.
If you really into this you may try contact member called popcornmix on XBMC forum and if he find a time he may answer your question if there is a little light at the end of the tunnel of hope

Ohhh, a nice surprise one day?.....I won't sleep now!
It's just that I am backing up all my old vynil records and decided that 192K would be best for 12" singles and 96K for albums (since the 12" usually have better quality audio). Therefore I need something to play them back on. For now I can use the laptop so it's not an urgent issue, but would be nice to have the Xbian pi's able to do it too.....
Cheers !
Just an update for anyone searching the net and 'finding' this thread.......
With an I2S external DAC it is possible to get at least 192/24 playing with no problem. I have tested with both Sabre9023 and PCM5102a DAC chips and both work flawlessly.
Skywatch Can you post a file or at least a snippet, so I can try one on Xbian Cubox-i and see what I get.
No probs so long as the site can handle large file sizes. I'll post a sample tomorrow - 30secs enough?
Tried to send as an attachment (about 75Mb) but always get this.....
Can not upload file - Too large for php post_max_size directive.
(5th Nov, 2014 12:37 AM)Skywatch Wrote: [ -> ]Tried to send as an attachment (about 75Mb) but always get this.....
Can not upload file - Too large for php post_max_size directive.

as I mentioned in your other thread, use 3rd party sites for files. not allowed to upload directly on our forum. just use Gdrive,Dropbox, Mega, etc and share just link

Then maybe it would be a good idea to remove the 'add attachment' options from the posting/reply page?
Might save others in the future having the same frustration and answering the same questions again....
We don't want to remove the option as it is useful for adding large amounts of debug messages but we certainly don't want the server clogged up with one time video files.
Just use one of the many free hosting services and just post a link.
A message for the max file size would be useful though.
(5th Nov, 2014 03:43 AM)IriDium Wrote: [ -> ]A message for the max file size would be useful though.
as you know, this is standard myBB forum feature. there is bunch of files which are allowed with specific size for each type. So we using the default settings and I dont see a reason to alter this.
everyone know, or can/will find out that for file sharing 3rd party sites/services are required

nothing new here.
there is a lot of reasons for this, not just servers limitations, but also copyrights for example, as it could be use for file sharing and none of us want anything like it he re

so these are just few examples.
Hope everyone understand the reasons
Hm I'd increase the limit for .txt to 500 KB, for debug logs.