(1st Aug, 2013 04:50 AM)rubin110 Wrote: [ -> ]Starting to feel like an easier solution is to just plug the DVD drive to my server and ask my housemates who insist on wanting to watch DVD movies
probably most efficient solution would be to go to Kmart and buy BRPlayer for 50 bucks. put it under the carpet and connect to second hdmi input of your tv or AVR set.
isn't there a service from Apple for movies like iTunes Match for music? like you put the cd/dvd into drive and it will bond the license to the particular album/track to your account - as you would be bought it electronically. in Slovakia this is available only for music, so don't know. other countries.
so I tried the dvd attached. with a small fix on usbmount, if it is joilet / iso9660 - data cd/dvd, it get's properly mounted under /media and notified with xbmc popup.
unfortunately dvd video - nothing. even after instalation o libdvdread4 and libdvdcss2 and libdvdnav. I suppose the support is to compiled in. Koenn ?
so it seems it's just the compilation thing.
You mean external mplayer mk01?
and mplayer relies on those libs too. so technically everything is fine.
(1st Aug, 2013 05:31 AM)mk01 Wrote: [ -> ]probably most efficient solution would be to go to Kmart and buy BRPlayer for 50 bucks. put it under the carpet and connect to second hdmi input of your tv or AVR set.
hehe... i thought of that too... but my dominate dvd need is for in the car... :/
i notice this subject has quieted down some, just curious if it has gotten anywhere yet... i have done a lot of research on it... i'm still a lil new to XBian distro, but this method
http://www.raspberrypi.org/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=35&t=17877 doesn't seem to work on the beta2... :/ the playDVD addon method does sorta work, but not satisfied with it yet... the last distro of XBMC that i was using was able to play DVDs from a USB rom... i'd just rather stay with XBian...

it didn't load the menus perfectly due to the menus still being an issue, but did play and skip through the movie nicely...
correction, playDVD addon don't work on XBian... :/