hi everyone

im using xbian on my 512 RpI with wifi
im using this wifi adapter
Ive set it up correctly as you will be abil to tell from the pictures I have added
the problems I have is that I cant do anything that involves internet

I cant download anything or view things (example: fusion.xbmchub.com I cant see anything inside it)
and if I try and download something from the built in stuff it says "downloading 0%) then it goes away
if I try to add a source (trying to get fusion) I get this error "Unable to connect, could not retrive directory information. this could be due to the network not beign connected" but I have set up the wifi correctly
if anyone could help me solve this issue I will be happy :3 Im using Xbian 1.0 alpha 5
I really need help here
Photos are here (too large to add via attachments)
this fourm is dead no one is helping? -.-
we are not magician :-)
did you try another power supply?
can you ssh to it?
I'm in over my head, but I'll give it a try. Under settings did you set up your router? ( i.e )
never mind guys

it just decided to work

thanks for your time to help all you guys can

I'm using edimax 150 Mbps wireless 802.11b/g/n nano USB adapter on my raspberry pi 512 with xbmc installed on it. I can find my home network but cannot login with my password. I've no background in Linux so I'd appreciate if you could be specific as possible with your explanations.
How can I use wifi on my raspberry pi with xbmc?
Many thanks!
What's the error you are getting? Can you provide screenshots/photos?
(18th May, 2013 01:54 AM)Eranschori Wrote: [ -> ]All,
I'm using edimax 150 Mbps wireless 802.11b/g/n nano USB adapter on my raspberry pi 512 with xbmc installed on it. I can find my home network but cannot login with my password. I've no background in Linux so I'd appreciate if you could be specific as possible with your explanations.
How can I use wifi on my raspberry pi with xbmc?
Many thanks!
I merged your thread into this one as I do not see the point open new threads for same or similar problem where it can be discussed in one place where you can get higher chance someone help you.
did you set mode to dhcp before connecting?
(18th May, 2013 06:11 AM)belese Wrote: [ -> ]did you set mode to dhcp before connecting?
I'm having the same issue. The error I get is "wlan0: cannot connect to xxxx (0)"
It can see my home network, I've changed the network encryption from WEP to WPA and TKIP to AES but so far nothing has made a difference. I take that back...when it was set to WEP the number in the parenthesis was -10 instead of 0. It can connect to my phone using Android Tether just fine but I'd rather not have to rely on that if you know what I mean.
-Edit- Yes, I have it set to DHCP
Thanks in advance for any help
is it a space in ssid?
and -10 would say :
-10: Invalid wireless protection
network is not working after? did you check? maybe bad return code.
There are no spaces in my SSID. Everything else is connected to my wireless and functioning just fine.
Thank you very much for your cooperation and apologies for the late response.
My incription was WEP as well, I've disabled all incriptions but still, I cannot connect to my wifi. As you could see in the attached picture, I get the following notice: wlan0: cannot connect to [network name] ([' - 2]).
What should I do next?
Thanks in advance,
You can find error code here :
-2 seems invalid params (is you ssid ou password has special character or space? if yes, try without, there's problem with special character now.)
always post xbmc.log,
if you want effective help.
edit :
Quote:There are no spaces in my SSID
When i look to your screenshot, there's space and special character in it.
That's the problem.
ps :
'SSID, local ip adress is not a secret data, and you don't have problem with your security by giving us', so if you have problem with wifi, don't hide it, it can help to diagnose (like this case).
I'd like to clarify, I disabled all passwords so there are no spaces/special character in it.
I'm not quite sure how should I proceed. Invalid argument [code #2] it's a bit too general
Again, many thanks!
(23rd May, 2013 06:24 PM)belese Wrote: [ -> ]You can find error code here :
-2 seems invalid params (is you ssid ou password has special character or space? if yes, try without, there's problem with special character now.)
and always post xbmc.log,
if you want effective help.
edit :
Quote:There are no spaces in my SSID
When i look to your screenshot, there's space and special character in it.
That's the problem.
ps :
'SSID, local ip adress is not a secret data, and you don't have problem with your security by giving us', so if you have problem with wifi, don't hide it, it can help to diagnose (like this case).