I have 2 identical SD cards, one with Xbian and the other with Raspbmc.
Booting and using Raspbian works perfect. Keyboard and network work just fine, i get a IP address from my router.
But, booting from my Xbian SD card i get no network connectivity and USB ports dont seem to work with any keyboard/mouse i plug in. I tried SSHing into the Pi with Raspbmc loaded but i dont even have an IP address. I have no form of input into the PI when Raspbmc is booted and loaded.
Thanks in advance!
well, im not sure why you posting on XBian forum when you using a Raspbmc???
I would say you need to go to their forum or you can try our system and if you do and the problem still appears than we can try to help
(11th May, 2013 03:54 PM)rikardo1979 Wrote: [ -> ]well, im not sure why you posting on XBian forum when you using a Raspbmc???
I would say you need to go to their forum or you can try our system and if you do and the problem still appears than we can try to help
wow! it's been a long night lol I'm actually using Xbian!! sorry!
update: I've managed to get SSH to work, now i have access to the pi via ssh. As soon as i boot the mouse/keyboard work for a few seconds then when the pop-up shows they disconnect. Any ideas guys?
update #2: I notice when i unplug the ethernet from the Pi, the keyboard starts working! huh?? Could the power adapter not be supplying enough juice?? I use a Apple phone wall USB charger. Which ones do you guys use? Could this be my issue?
few of people I know are using iPhone chargers fine, including me. anyhow I don't use mouse and if I plug in USB stick, RPI reboots.
this is caused by the low power from AC, is well known to happen.
try to boot with keyboard only, what happens. if it works, then it is with the AC. otherwise post feedback, we will check then.
(12th May, 2013 07:25 AM)mk01 Wrote: [ -> ]few of people I know are using iPhone chargers fine, including me. anyhow I don't use mouse and if I plug in USB stick, RPI reboots.
this is caused by the low power from AC, is well known to happen.
try to boot with keyboard only, what happens. if it works, then it is with the AC. otherwise post feedback, we will check then.
Booted with just the Keyboard (no mouse or ethernet) and its functional. I am able to navigate the menus except for "Settings" accessing this will cause a freeze.
Tried again but this time keyboard and ethernet were plugged in. While booting i had a non stop ICMP to the Pi and successfully received replies. As soon as the menu displayed the ping timed out and keyboard input does not work.
Tried a 3rd test, this time with just ethernet plugged in. Same results, not pingable.
with menu you mean basic startup screen of XBMC ?
can you post your dmesg ?
boot with keyboard and ethernet, then you say it will stop responding (keyboard localy & even network). so when this happens, remove keyboard, unplug network, plug network back (with no keyboard). hopefully network will come back.
log in with ssh and grab /var/log/dmesg.
and post.
definitely a power issue. Get better PSU,at least 1A and dont plug stuff directly into USB ports. Always use self powered devices or powered USB hub
This issue has been resolved. After using a 3.2A powered hub (D-Link DUB-H7) i was able to get the keyboard to work simultaneously with the ethernet plugged in! It also does not freeze when accessing "Settings" menu in xbmc.
Thanks all for your help!!

glad to hear and thanks for reporting

this may help others who search for help with some issues
Thanks for the suggestions guys i never know power hub to use for this powered hub, it's really easy to setup and cause now bugs anymore.