I had a similar problem. The new xbian-config didn't work it out completely on its own. But I was able to solve this by using a micro-USB power adapter instead of drawing power from a USB port from my plasma TV. Seems that power draw in addition to using the new xbian-config are required in some circumstances. Hope that helps someone else in this same conundrum.
(6th Feb, 2013 04:29 AM)BartOtten Wrote: [ -> ]Glad it is easier to set the network using the new xbian-config. Curlymo and Belese work -very- hard for this feature of XBian! Please hit the Thanks link for both of them 
how do you do then config file thing cause i need to know please if thats possible
Inside XBMC > Settings > XBian
I´ve got the same dongle but i'm not able to make ift work properly. it connects, but i continuosly get TX excessive retries and the speed is really slow.
I compiled the RT5370STA driver instead of RT2800usb in Raspbian and it works like a charm.
I found it here:
https://github.com/alangomes/rt5370sta and it includes changes needed for my dongle ('HAS_WPA_SUPPLICANT=y' and 'HAS_NATIVE_WPA_SUPPLICANT_SUPPORT=y')
I tried the complided file rt5370sta.ko with no success
Any way to compile the module for Xbian?
Thanks in advance
Can you provide me with the compile instruction?
im having same problem with wifi dongle. i was on 1.0 alpha 4 and my wifi dongle was working great. i did a update to alpha 5 and cant pick up wifi. i also did a fresh install and still nothing. i tried going in xbian setting and changing eth0 to wifi. i get a message saying its searching but comes back doing nothing. anyone help?
(25th Feb, 2013 04:47 AM)CurlyMo Wrote: [ -> ]Can you provide me with the compile instruction?
What I did was (in Raspbian):
cd ~
git clone
cd rt5370sta
sudo make clean
sudo make
sudo make install
after that:
modprobe -r rt2800usb
modprobe rt5370sta
and it worked! --> excellent conexion
In Xbian, I put the files I had in Raspbian:
/etc/Wireless/RT2870STA/RT2870STA.dat and
/lib/modules/`uname -r´/kernel/drivers/net/rt5370sta.ko
once copied:
modprobe -r rt2800usb
modprobe rt5370sta --> INVALID EXEC FILE
I think that is because of the kernel version, but i think that have the lastest in both Raspbian and Xbian (3.6.11+)
Thanks a lot for you answer
Then is seems like this driver isn't compatible with the latest kernel. I tried to compile it against our latest kernel source but i got the same error.
You should download the whole /lib/modules/3.6.11+ folder and the /boot/kernel.img file.
(27th Feb, 2013 06:51 AM)CurlyMo Wrote: [ -> ]You should download the whole /lib/modules/3.6.11+ folder and the /boot/kernel.img file.
Sorry, but not sure how to download the whole folder...
I´ve already copied the kernel.img file, tried the driver and it works!
Edit: Finally i could copy the whole folder. Tried and... YES!!!
Now I have a perfect wireless connection!
Thank you very much. This issue was driving me crazy
Hope this helps someone else