Hi there. I'm sort of new to the Raspberry Pi, installed Xbian and now I tried to get a connected (via FTP or however) to my Pi to copy stuff from my PC to either the SD card or a connected USB stick. I know I can stream the content (and that's working just fine), but I'd like to have it on the device.
I hope you can help me out a bit. I'm just some random Windows user, so please be patient

You mean to transfer it inside your local network right? And you have your Raspberry Pi connected to it either via ethernet cable or Wifi dongle?
If that's so, all you need to configure now is Samba sharing. Samba takes care of sharing files inside your network.
You must add the folders you wish to share with the PC to the samba config file which is located in /etc/samba/smb.conf
xbian@Raspberry ~ $ cd /etc/samba
xbian@Raspberry /etc/samba $ sudo nano smb.conf
You should now see the config file, assure the following options are set up correctly:
PHP Code:
workgroup = WORKGROUP
interfaces = eth0
bind interfaces only = true
security = share
guest account = nobody
Make sure "WORKGROUP" is the same as your windows workgroup, the interfaces option sets which type of connection it allows, if you use a ethernet cable it should be fine with that, you can also restrict it to your local ip by adding "192.168.1." where that should be your default gateway (without fixing the last numbers).
The security is set so as anyone with access to the local network can access it, if you wish I can show you how to require a user and password to access the share.
To add a folder to the share append the following to the end of the file:
PHP Code:
[Guest Share]
comment = Guest access share
path = /path/to/dir/to/share
browseable = yes
read only = yes
guest ok = yes
Once done you must restart the samba server on the raspberry pi with the following command:
sudo service samba restart
Hope it helps!
&enable SMB in XBian config (SSH or in XBMC)

Yeah, that's exactly what I'm trying to do (own LAN, Pi connected to it via ethernet cable).
Now... I'm confused ^^
Where exactly do I find "/etc/samba/smb.conf"? I'm not even sure if this is supposed to be on the PC or on the Pi (I guess the Pi/Xbian).
I guess there is some kind of terminal in Xbian, but I'm not sure where/how to activate/find it.
And yepp, I'd like to set this up so that connecting to the Pi requires username/password.
So it'd be great if you could explain these two steps to me a bit more

(12th May, 2013 06:20 AM)Steffko Wrote: [ -> ]Yeah, that's exactly what I'm trying to do (own LAN, Pi connected to it via ethernet cable).
Now... I'm confused ^^
Where exactly do I find "/etc/samba/smb.conf"? I'm not even sure if this is supposed to be on the PC or on the Pi (I guess the Pi/Xbian).
I guess there is some kind of terminal in Xbian, but I'm not sure where/how to activate/find it.
And yepp, I'd like to set this up so that connecting to the Pi requires username/password.
So it'd be great if you could explain these two steps to me a bit more 
you can connect to terminal with putty but you have to enable it (ssh) this will give you ssh-config
but its te same as the gui in xbmc in settings (but ssh gives you more low level acces )
also (/etc/samba/smb.conf) is for where the servies is running so that will be the pi as you want samba on your pi
i think that you should start from helpful links on our page

all is there
You must type it on the Pi, on the command line, you can do it by leaving xbmc (Shutdown icon-->Exit) or you could set up an ssh connection (worth the time as it's really convenient), with it you will be able to control your raspberry pi from within your PC via command line (That's where you should write what I explained you).
To connect to your raspberry pi via ssh you must download a ssh client for windows that's called
putty from
here, execute it and place the Raspberry pi ip address inside host name field, you can find the ip in xbmc, system-->system information or within your local router localweb then make sure the option "SSH" is checked and click the Open button.
Once you've done it I will explain further on the security.
Another question than. I've used the instructions on the links and this is the output of the file
workgroup = WORKGROUP
usershare allow guests = yes
follow symlinks = yes
wide links = yes
unix extensions = no
lock directory = /var/cache/samba
browsable = yes
read only = no
guest ok = yes
path = /home/xbian
force user = xbian
browsable = yes
read only = no
How can I add the Pi as a network drive? I tried different thing when mapping a drive
should be it as far as I know...
(I have to exit nano with ^X, what does that mean? Feels like a stupid question.....)
did you install SAMBA package from xbian-config ?
under Sytsem>Settings or from SSH