HD Video Playback Freezing/Stuttering Over Strong Wifi Connection - Printable Version

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HD Video Playback Freezing/Stuttering Over Strong Wifi Connection - clappingfetus - 23rd Dec, 2013 03:01 AM

XBian version: 1.0 beta 2
XBMC version: 12.2
Overclock settings: Default

Power supply rating: Nexus 5 Android Charger
RPi model (model A/B 256mb/512mb): Model B
SD card size and make/type: 16gb SDHC
Network (wireless or LAN): Wireless NETGEAR R6300 AC Router
Connected devices (TV, USB, network storage, etc.): Vizio TV via HDMI, USB Wifi Dongle, USB Keyboard

Problem description:
My problem is that I can not get any videos above 480p to play without stuttering and freezing every few minutes. I switched from Rasplex to Xbian because I was having this problem on there as well. I have a very powerful router that is in the adjacent room no more than 20 feet away. I have double checked all of my settings and I have tried to turn the resolution of the XBMC gui up and down to see if it had any effect and I don't seem to be able to figure out why all my HD videos are lagging.

RE: HD Video Playback Freezing/Stuttering Over Strong Wifi Connection - IriDium - 23rd Dec, 2013 03:14 AM

As a first guess - without asking for too many questions - the RPi is only 10baseT even on Ethernet - Wifi is still going to be a lot less because of overheads. I don't know of anyone who has a "good" wifi setup for streaming HD.

Check CPU consumption first. Then try a Cat5 and see if that improves things.

First guess: you're trying to do something that the RPi cannot handle.

If none of that works,

Post xbmc.log, output from dmesg, "vmstat 5,20" and a screenprint of the "movie" playing with OSD - Type O when the movie is playing.

I think you will find that wifi is not too good for HD streaming.