Official way to stop and restart kodi without reboot? - Otaku Wally - 3rd Jun, 2015 11:52 PM
I am currently wondering, if there is an "official" way to stop and restart kodi without having to reboot. The reason why I am doing this is because CEC still gives me a headache and I usually use "kill -s HUP <some kodi pid>" to let it automatically restart itself. However I just had the problem for the second time today that kodi would hang in a loop trying to restart itself and obviously
sudo -u xbian -g xbian -s /usr/local/lib/kodi/kodi.bin --standalone -fs --lircdev /run/lirc/lircd
does not work 100% when run from a remote terminal. So is there ANY way to dot it?
Thanks in advance!
RE: Official way to stop and restart kodi without reboot? - CurlyMo - 4th Jun, 2015 12:24 AM
service xbmc stop
service xbmc start
Seems pretty obvious
RE: Official way to stop and restart kodi without reboot? - Otaku Wally - 4th Jun, 2015 02:27 AM
(4th Jun, 2015 12:24 AM)CurlyMo Wrote:
service xbmc stop
service xbmc start
Seems pretty obvious 
Oh my, please gimme a bullet ;-) Thanks!
(4th Jun, 2015 12:24 AM)CurlyMo Wrote:
service xbmc stop
service xbmc start
Seems pretty obvious 
Doing a service start results in the same restart-loop unfortunately :-( There seems to be nothing useful in the kodi logfile though ...
Any hints what I could look for to see what is causing that? I hate to restart when my transmission is just running that good ;-)
RE: Official way to stop and restart kodi without reboot? - deHakkelaar - 4th Jun, 2015 07:35 AM
Sounds like you have other major issues as stopping and starting XBMC/Kodi should work without trouble.
Have you tried another power source for you Pi ?
You could also up the log level to debug in:
XBMC/Kodi --> Settings --> System --> Debugging
RE: Official way to stop and restart kodi without reboot? - Otaku Wally - 4th Jun, 2015 06:45 PM
Yeah, thanks but no the power is good since months. And switching on debug level is hard when Kodi shows up for at best some milliseconds ;-) Where can it be switched on WITHOUT GUI (where is the setting stored)?
RE: Official way to stop and restart kodi without reboot? - Otaku Wally - 4th Jun, 2015 08:22 PM
Well, I am not sure if the warning and the error in the kodi.log has anything in common with the repeating restarts, but they are at the moment the only possible causes I can see, so here it is:
Read the forum rules
12:13:32 T:1961226240 NOTICE: special://profile/ is mapped to: special://masterprofile/
12:13:32 T:1961226240 NOTICE: -----------------------------------------------------------------------
12:13:32 T:1961226240 NOTICE: Starting Kodi (14.2 Git:Unknown). Platform: Linux ARM 32-bit
12:13:32 T:1961226240 NOTICE: Using Release Kodi x32 build (version for Raspberry Pi)
12:13:32 T:1961226240 NOTICE: Kodi compiled May 7 2015 by GCC 4.6.3 for Linux ARM 32-bit version 3.2.51 (197171)
12:13:32 T:1961226240 NOTICE: Running on XBian 1.0 (knockout), kernel: Linux ARM 32-bit version 3.18.8+
12:13:32 T:1961226240 NOTICE: FFmpeg statically linked, version: 2.4.6-xbmc-2.4.6-Helix
12:13:32 T:1961226240 NOTICE: Host CPU: ARMv7 Processor rev 5 (v7l), 4 cores available
12:13:32 T:1961226240 NOTICE: ARM Features: Neon enabled
12:13:32 T:1961226240 NOTICE: special://xbmc/ is mapped to: /usr/local/share/kodi
12:13:32 T:1961226240 NOTICE: special://xbmcbin/ is mapped to: /usr/local/lib/kodi
12:13:32 T:1961226240 NOTICE: special://masterprofile/ is mapped to: /home/xbian/.kodi/userdata
12:13:32 T:1961226240 NOTICE: special://home/ is mapped to: /home/xbian/.kodi
12:13:32 T:1961226240 NOTICE: special://temp/ is mapped to: /home/xbian/.kodi/temp
12:13:32 T:1961226240 NOTICE: The executable running is: /usr/local/lib/kodi/kodi.bin
12:13:32 T:1961226240 NOTICE: Local hostname: xbian
12:13:32 T:1961226240 NOTICE: Log File is located: /home/xbian/.kodi/temp/kodi.log
12:13:32 T:1961226240 NOTICE: -----------------------------------------------------------------------
12:13:32 T:1961226240 NOTICE: load settings...
12:13:33 T:1961226240 NOTICE: Found 1 Lists of Devices
12:13:33 T:1961226240 NOTICE: Enumerated PI devices:
12:13:33 T:1961226240 NOTICE: Device 1
12:13:33 T:1961226240 NOTICE: m_deviceName : HDMI
12:13:33 T:1961226240 NOTICE: m_displayName : HDMI
12:13:33 T:1961226240 NOTICE: m_displayNameExtra:
12:13:33 T:1961226240 NOTICE: m_deviceType : AE_DEVTYPE_HDMI
12:13:33 T:1961226240 NOTICE: m_channels : FL,FR
12:13:33 T:1961226240 NOTICE: m_sampleRates : 8000,11025,16000,22050,24000,32000,44100,48000,88200,96000,176400,192000
12:13:33 T:1961226240 NOTICE: Device 2
12:13:33 T:1961226240 NOTICE: m_deviceName : Analogue
12:13:33 T:1961226240 NOTICE: m_displayName : Analogue
12:13:33 T:1961226240 NOTICE: m_displayNameExtra:
12:13:33 T:1961226240 NOTICE: m_deviceType : AE_DEVTYPE_PCM
12:13:33 T:1961226240 NOTICE: m_channels : FL,FR
12:13:33 T:1961226240 NOTICE: m_sampleRates : 48000
12:13:33 T:1961226240 NOTICE: m_dataFormats : AE_FMT_FLOAT,AE_FMT_S32LE,AE_FMT_S16LE,AE_FMT_FLOATP,AE_FMT_S32NEP,AE_FMT_S16NEP
12:13:33 T:1961226240 NOTICE: Device 3
12:13:33 T:1961226240 NOTICE: m_deviceName : Both
12:13:33 T:1961226240 NOTICE: m_displayName : HDMI and Analogue
12:13:33 T:1961226240 NOTICE: m_displayNameExtra:
12:13:33 T:1961226240 NOTICE: m_deviceType : AE_DEVTYPE_PCM
12:13:33 T:1961226240 NOTICE: m_channels : FL,FR
12:13:33 T:1961226240 NOTICE: m_sampleRates : 48000
12:13:33 T:1961226240 NOTICE: m_dataFormats : AE_FMT_FLOAT,AE_FMT_S32LE,AE_FMT_S16LE,AE_FMT_FLOATP,AE_FMT_S32NEP,AE_FMT_S16NEP
12:13:33 T:1961226240 NOTICE: Loaded settings file from special://xbmc/system/advancedsettings.xml
12:13:33 T:1961226240 NOTICE: Contents of special://xbmc/system/advancedsettings.xml are...
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
12:13:33 T:1961226240 NOTICE: Loaded settings file from special://profile/advancedsettings.xml
12:13:33 T:1961226240 NOTICE: Contents of special://profile/advancedsettings.xml are...
<style name="Shadow" value="0" />
<style name="Blur" value="0" />
<style name="BorderStyle" value="0" />
<gui />
12:13:33 T:1961226240 NOTICE: Default DVD Player: dvdplayer
12:13:33 T:1961226240 NOTICE: Default Video Player: dvdplayer
12:13:33 T:1961226240 NOTICE: Default Audio Player: paplayer
12:13:33 T:1961226240 NOTICE: Disabled debug logging due to GUI setting. Level 0.
12:13:33 T:1961226240 NOTICE: Log level changed to "LOG_LEVEL_NORMAL"
12:13:33 T:1961226240 NOTICE: CMediaSourceSettings: loading media sources from special://masterprofile/sources.xml
12:13:33 T:1961226240 NOTICE: Loading player core factory settings from special://xbmc/system/playercorefactory.xml.
12:13:33 T:1961226240 NOTICE: Loaded playercorefactory configuration
12:13:33 T:1961226240 NOTICE: Loading player core factory settings from special://masterprofile/playercorefactory.xml.
12:13:33 T:1961226240 NOTICE: special://masterprofile/playercorefactory.xml does not exist. Skipping.
12:13:33 T:1959093264 NOTICE: Thread ActiveAE start, auto delete: false
12:13:33 T:1950704656 NOTICE: Thread AESink start, auto delete: false
12:13:33 T:1890579472 NOTICE: Thread CRBPWorker start, auto delete: false
12:13:33 T:1961226240 NOTICE: Running database version Addons16
12:13:33 T:1961226240 NOTICE: ADDONS: Using repository repository.xbmcadult
12:13:33 T:1961226240 NOTICE: ADDONS: Using repository net.rieter.xot.repository
12:13:33 T:1961226240 NOTICE: ADDONS: Using repository repository.popey
12:13:33 T:1961226240 NOTICE: ADDONS: Using repository repository.xycl.addons
12:13:33 T:1961226240 NOTICE: ADDONS: Using repository repository.xbmc-repo-agx
12:13:33 T:1961226240 NOTICE: ADDONS: Using repository
12:13:33 T:1961226240 NOTICE: ADDONS: Using repository repo.xbian.xbmc
12:13:33 T:1961226240 NOTICE: ADDONS: Using repository xbmc.repo.hitcher
12:13:33 T:1961226240 NOTICE: ADDONS: Using repository
12:13:33 T:1961226240 NOTICE: ADDONS: Using repository repository.sickbeard.xbmc-plugins
12:13:33 T:1961226240 NOTICE: ADDONS: Using repository ruuk.addon.repository
12:13:33 T:1961226240 NOTICE: Register - new cec device registered on cec->RPI: CEC Adapter (2708:1001)
12:13:33 T:1881682960 NOTICE: Thread CECAdapter start, auto delete: false
12:13:33 T:1856517136 NOTICE: Thread PeripBusUSBUdev start, auto delete: false
12:13:33 T:1961226240 ERROR: DBus: Error org.freedesktop.UDisks.Error.PermissionDenied - Not Authorized
12:13:33 T:1961226240 ERROR: DBus: Error org.freedesktop.UDisks.Error.Failed - Error mounting: mount exited with exit code 1: helper failed with:
mount: according to mtab, /dev/mmcblk0p2 is already mounted on /home
mount failed
12:13:34 T:1961226240 NOTICE: Raspberry PI firmware version: Apr 21 2015 14:40:08
Copyright © 2012 Broadcom
version 2d5ad04b63af4233440c3f7c8587108223201102 (clean) (release)
12:13:34 T:1961226240 NOTICE: ARM mem: 752MB GPU mem: 256MB MPG2:1 WVC1:1
12:13:34 T:1961226240 NOTICE: Config:
12:13:34 T:1961226240 NOTICE: Config:
12:13:34 T:1961226240 NOTICE: Register - new video device registered on platform->/sys/class/graphics/fb0: generic_video,hdmi_video (0000:0000)
12:13:34 T:1961226240 NOTICE: InitWindowSystem: Using EGL Implementation: raspberrypi
12:13:34 T:1848128528 NOTICE: Thread PeripBusPLATFORMUdev start, auto delete: false
12:13:34 T:1961226240 NOTICE: Found resolution 640x480 (640x480) @ 60.00 - Full Screen
12:13:34 T:1961226240 NOTICE: Found resolution 640x480 (640x480) @ 59.94 - Full Screen
12:13:34 T:1961226240 NOTICE: Found resolution 720x480 (720x480) @ 60.00 - Full Screen
12:13:34 T:1961226240 NOTICE: Found resolution 720x480 (720x480) @ 59.94 - Full Screen
12:13:34 T:1961226240 NOTICE: Found resolution 1280x720 (1280x720) @ 60.00 - Full Screen
12:13:34 T:1961226240 NOTICE: Found resolution 1280x720 (1280x720) @ 59.94 - Full Screen
12:13:34 T:1961226240 NOTICE: Found resolution 1920x1080 (1920x1080) @ 60.00 - Full Screen
12:13:34 T:1961226240 NOTICE: Found resolution 1920x1080 (1920x1080) @ 59.94 - Full Screen
12:13:34 T:1961226240 NOTICE: Found resolution 720x576 (720x576) @ 50.00 - Full Screen
12:13:34 T:1961226240 NOTICE: Found resolution 1280x720 (1280x720) @ 50.00 - Full Screen
12:13:34 T:1961226240 NOTICE: Found resolution 1920x1080 (1920x1080) @ 50.00 - Full Screen
12:13:34 T:1961226240 NOTICE: Found resolution 1920x1080 (1920x1080) @ 24.00 - Full Screen
12:13:34 T:1961226240 NOTICE: Found resolution 1920x1080 (1920x1080) @ 23.98 - Full Screen
12:13:34 T:1961226240 NOTICE: Found resolution 1920x1080 (1920x1080) @ 25.00 - Full Screen
12:13:34 T:1961226240 NOTICE: Found resolution 1920x1080 (1920x1080) @ 30.00 - Full Screen
12:13:34 T:1961226240 NOTICE: Found resolution 1920x1080 (1920x1080) @ 29.97 - Full Screen
12:13:34 T:1961226240 NOTICE: Found resolution 640x480 (640x480) @ 72.00 - Full Screen
12:13:34 T:1961226240 NOTICE: Found resolution 640x480 (640x480) @ 75.00 - Full Screen
12:13:34 T:1961226240 NOTICE: Found resolution 800x600 (800x600) @ 60.00 - Full Screen
12:13:34 T:1961226240 NOTICE: Found resolution 800x600 (800x600) @ 59.94 - Full Screen
12:13:34 T:1961226240 NOTICE: Found resolution 800x600 (800x600) @ 72.00 - Full Screen
12:13:34 T:1961226240 NOTICE: Found resolution 800x600 (800x600) @ 75.00 - Full Screen
12:13:34 T:1961226240 NOTICE: Found resolution 1024x768 (1024x768) @ 60.00 - Full Screen
12:13:34 T:1961226240 NOTICE: Found resolution 1024x768 (1024x768) @ 59.94 - Full Screen
12:13:34 T:1961226240 NOTICE: Found resolution 1024x768 (1024x768) @ 70.00 - Full Screen
12:13:34 T:1961226240 NOTICE: Found resolution 1024x768 (1024x768) @ 75.00 - Full Screen
12:13:34 T:1961226240 NOTICE: Found resolution 1152x864 (1152x864) @ 75.00 - Full Screen
12:13:34 T:1961226240 NOTICE: Found resolution 1280x800 (1280x800) @ 60.00 - Full Screen
12:13:34 T:1961226240 NOTICE: Found resolution 1280x800 (1280x800) @ 59.94 - Full Screen
12:13:34 T:1961226240 NOTICE: Found resolution 1280x960 (1280x960) @ 60.00 - Full Screen
12:13:34 T:1961226240 NOTICE: Found resolution 1280x960 (1280x960) @ 59.94 - Full Screen
12:13:34 T:1961226240 NOTICE: Found resolution 1280x1024 (1280x1024) @ 60.00 - Full Screen
12:13:34 T:1961226240 NOTICE: Found resolution 1280x1024 (1280x1024) @ 59.94 - Full Screen
12:13:34 T:1961226240 NOTICE: Found resolution 1280x1024 (1280x1024) @ 75.00 - Full Screen
12:13:34 T:1961226240 NOTICE: Found resolution 1360x768 (1360x768) @ 60.00 - Full Screen
12:13:34 T:1961226240 NOTICE: Found resolution 1360x768 (1360x768) @ 59.94 - Full Screen
12:13:34 T:1961226240 NOTICE: Found resolution 1440x900 (1440x900) @ 60.00 - Full Screen
12:13:34 T:1961226240 NOTICE: Found resolution 1440x900 (1440x900) @ 59.94 - Full Screen
12:13:34 T:1961226240 NOTICE: Found resolution 1440x900 (1440x900) @ 75.00 - Full Screen
12:13:34 T:1961226240 NOTICE: Found resolution 1600x1200 (1440x1080) @ 60.00 - Full Screen
12:13:34 T:1961226240 NOTICE: Found resolution 1600x1200 (1440x1080) @ 59.94 - Full Screen
12:13:34 T:1961226240 NOTICE: Found resolution 1680x1050 (1680x1050) @ 60.00 - Full Screen
12:13:34 T:1961226240 NOTICE: Found resolution 1680x1050 (1680x1050) @ 59.94 - Full Screen
12:13:34 T:1961226240 NOTICE: Found (1920x1080@60.000000) at 22, swapping with 16
12:13:34 T:1961226240 NOTICE: Checking resolution 16
12:13:34 T:1961226240 NOTICE: GL_VENDOR = Broadcom
12:13:34 T:1961226240 NOTICE: GL_RENDERER = VideoCore IV HW
12:13:34 T:1961226240 NOTICE: GL_VERSION = OpenGL ES 2.0
12:13:34 T:1961226240 NOTICE: GL_EXTENSIONS = GL_OES_compressed_ETC1_RGB8_texture GL_OES_compressed_paletted_texture GL_OES_texture_npot GL_OES_depth24 GL_OES_vertex_half_float GL_OES_EGL_image GL_OES_EGL_image_external GL_EXT_discard_framebuffer GL_OES_rgb8_rgba8 GL_OES_depth32 GL_OES_mapbuffer GL_EXT_texture_format_BGRA8888 GL_APPLE_rgb_422 GL_EXT_debug_marker
12:13:34 T:1839739920 NOTICE: Thread CECAdapterUpdate start, auto delete: false
12:13:34 T:1961226240 NOTICE: Running database version Addons16
12:13:34 T:1961226240 NOTICE: Running database version ViewModes6
12:13:34 T:1961226240 NOTICE: Running database version Textures13
12:13:35 T:1961226240 NOTICE: Running database version MyMusic48
12:13:35 T:1961226240 NOTICE: Running database version MyVideos90
12:13:35 T:1961226240 NOTICE: Running database version TV26
12:13:35 T:1961226240 NOTICE: Running database version Epg8
12:13:35 T:1961226240 NOTICE: start dvd mediatype detection
12:13:35 T:1829405712 NOTICE: Thread DetectDVDMedia start, auto delete: false
12:13:36 T:1961226240 WARNING: JSONRPC: Could not parse type "PVR.Details.Channel"
12:13:36 T:1961226240 WARNING: JSONRPC: Could not parse type "PVR.Details.ChannelGroup.Extended"
12:13:36 T:1961226240 WARNING: JSONRPC: Could not parse type "GUI.Property.Value"
12:13:36 T:1961226240 WARNING: JSONRPC: Could not parse type "Setting.Details.SettingList"
12:13:36 T:1815082000 NOTICE: Thread LanguageInvoker start, auto delete: false
12:13:36 T:1961226240 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 11 times.
12:13:36 T:1961226240 NOTICE: UpdateLibraries: Starting music library startup scan
12:13:36 T:1712321552 NOTICE: Thread MusicInfoScanner start, auto delete: false
12:13:36 T:1703932944 NOTICE: Thread LanguageInvoker start, auto delete: false
12:13:36 T:1961226240 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 3 times.
12:13:36 T:1961226240 NOTICE: initialize done
12:13:36 T:1961226240 NOTICE: XBian: notifying Upstart that i'm well
12:13:36 T:1961226240 NOTICE: Running the application...
12:13:36 T:1815082000 NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
12:13:37 T:1666184208 NOTICE: Thread JobWorker start, auto delete: true
12:13:37 T:1961226240 NOTICE: starting zeroconf publishing
12:13:37 T:1647309840 NOTICE: Thread JobWorker start, auto delete: true
12:13:37 T:1961226240 NOTICE: Webserver: Starting...
12:13:37 T:1961226240 NOTICE: WebServer: Started the webserver
12:13:37 T:1961226240 NOTICE: starting upnp controller
12:13:37 T:1630532624 NOTICE: Thread JobWorker start, auto delete: true
RE: Official way to stop and restart kodi without reboot? - Otaku Wally - 5th Jun, 2015 09:31 PM
Now XBian does the restart-loop just after a fresh reboot :-(
RE: Official way to stop and restart kodi without reboot? - Peiote - 17th Apr, 2016 07:55 PM
(4th Jun, 2015 12:24 AM)CurlyMo Wrote:
service xbmc stop
service xbmc start
Seems pretty obvious 
Not working:
Terminal $ service kodi stop
-bash: service: command not found
Neither this:
Terminal $ systemctl stop kodi
Failed to get D-Bus connection: Unknown error -1
RE: Official way to stop and restart kodi without reboot? - Skywatch - 17th Apr, 2016 08:08 PM
sudo service xbmc stop
sudo service xbmc start
Things are not always what you would expect them to be!
RE: Official way to stop and restart kodi without reboot? - Peiote - 17th Apr, 2016 08:11 PM
(17th Apr, 2016 08:08 PM)Skywatch Wrote: Try.....
sudo service xbmc stop
sudo service xbmc start
Things are not always what you would expect them to be! 
RE: Official way to stop and restart kodi without reboot? - Skywatch - 17th Apr, 2016 08:35 PM
No Problem!
RE: Official way to stop and restart kodi without reboot? - Nachteule - 17th Apr, 2016 10:57 PM
Once again 
Xbian uses Upstart so, correct commands are:
sudo stop xbmc
sudo start xbmc
Seems you have forgotten this again
RE: Official way to stop and restart kodi without reboot? - IriDium - 18th Apr, 2016 04:59 AM
So I assume, one day it will be:
Terminal sudo stop kodi
sudo start kodi
or will a link be provided so both work?
RE: Official way to stop and restart kodi without reboot? - Skywatch - 18th Apr, 2016 06:43 AM
I asked this a while back Iridium and was informed it will remain as xbmc.
Seems to go against the times and will confuse noobs who never knew what xbmc was and only want the new kodi....
RE: Official way to stop and restart kodi without reboot? - Peiote - 18th Apr, 2016 06:56 AM
Old-school rules