24th Dec, 2012, 02:29 AM
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24th Dec, 2012, 02:30 AM
24th Dec, 2012, 04:36 AM
It is possible, however we have not implemented this yet. We will implement this once XBMC for the pi starts using ALSA. ( they decided to disable this because it generates a lot of side effects)
24th Dec, 2012, 04:38 AM
this is what ive meant
not available yet
thanks Koenkk for clarification

thanks Koenkk for clarification
24th Dec, 2012, 06:51 PM
ok, thanks.
24th Dec, 2012, 10:50 PM
koenkk Wrote:once XBMC for the pi starts using ALSA.
Any idea when this can be expected? I'm bought an expandible usb card zo spdif will be an option for me. my receiver doesn't support hdmi

24th Dec, 2012, 11:41 PM
Nope I don't have an ETA for you (wish I had it because it would also be nice for XBian).
2nd Jan, 2013, 10:44 PM
hmm, what's this about?
raspbmc has it? The analog on board connector was hardcoded, can you provide some more info on this? Maybe i can help getting this to work.
raspbmc has it? The analog on board connector was hardcoded, can you provide some more info on this? Maybe i can help getting this to work.
4th Jan, 2013, 04:38 AM
4th Jan, 2013, 04:45 AM
Please dont do bump ! especially not day after your previous post !
As you can see upper Xbian devs may try to implement this feature once official Alsa support come from XBMC ! I said may, so it is not necessary mean will or have to.
So please, patience
all of us do the best to make the best experience, but keep in mind that none of us do this as full time job and we do not make any income from this!
As you can see upper Xbian devs may try to implement this feature once official Alsa support come from XBMC ! I said may, so it is not necessary mean will or have to.
So please, patience
all of us do the best to make the best experience, but keep in mind that none of us do this as full time job and we do not make any income from this!
(4th Jan, 2013 04:38 AM)leroyz84 Wrote: [ -> ]*bump*
4th Jan, 2013, 04:51 AM
I Understand,
But can i be provided with some more info? I mean, the other builds say to have so.
Where is the source for xbmc (rpi) to be found so i can try for myself?
How to compile? i have little linux + gcc / make experiences..
Sorry for bumping though..
But can i be provided with some more info? I mean, the other builds say to have so.
Where is the source for xbmc (rpi) to be found so i can try for myself?
How to compile? i have little linux + gcc / make experiences..
Sorry for bumping though..
(4th Jan, 2013 04:45 AM)rikardo1979 Wrote: [ -> ]Please dont do bump ! especially not day after your previous post !
As you can see upper Xbian devs may try to implement this feature once official Alsa support come from XBMC ! I said may, so it is not necessary mean will or have to.
So please, patience
all of us do the best to make the best experience, but keep in mind that none of us do this as full time job and we do not make any income from this!
(4th Jan, 2013 04:38 AM)leroyz84 Wrote: [ -> ]*bump*
7th Jan, 2013, 02:14 AM
some more info:
XMBC has currently an rewritten audio engine that works with usb sound cards.
I haven't got it to work for movies, but got it to work for radio & music. if some one is interested, please post a reply and i will try to get this to work with xbian.
That means:
I'll try to figure out which steps are needed to get it to work in Xbian, and tell de builders / devs how to include this into an new update.
XMBC has currently an rewritten audio engine that works with usb sound cards.
I haven't got it to work for movies, but got it to work for radio & music. if some one is interested, please post a reply and i will try to get this to work with xbian.
That means:
I'll try to figure out which steps are needed to get it to work in Xbian, and tell de builders / devs how to include this into an new update.
7th Jan, 2013, 02:22 AM
7th Jan, 2013, 03:38 AM
@leroyz84: you've been a bit pushy in this thread so I can understand that you're not necessarily getting the usual level of XBian friendliness. Perhaps we can keep things a little more neutral toned and that would help?
We've had some discussions about getting simultaneous analog and HDMI audio happening recently and that has touched on very similar issues ...
- Is it a Raspi firmware/hardware limitation
- Is it an XBMC limitation
- Oh but distribution X or Y does it, why can't XBian
In a relatively backwards way, in getting pushy about this, you are displaying a preference for XBian instead of the other distributions so that is a backwards compliment for which I. at least. thank you.
I'm sure everyone also appreciates your willingness to spend time on this problem.
At the risk of being unreasonably critical of a 'sister' distribution, in the analog+HDMI discussion, I think it was raised that the way Raspbmc has achieved some of their audio feats is not necessarily without complications and obviously Koennk has said, and I think rightfully, that when ALSA support becomes available in XBMC, XBian will be able to implement more audio functionality such as analog+HDMI and the USB audio you are requesting.
You can see information about the analog_HDMI issue here: http://forum.xbian.org/thread-66.html That will contain some of the background I have referred to above. There is also an issue in the XBian github repo here: https://github.com/xbianonpi/xbian/issues/172#issuecomment-11613538
Those are examples of more friendly ways to go about getting your request into the system. Best of luck.
We've had some discussions about getting simultaneous analog and HDMI audio happening recently and that has touched on very similar issues ...
- Is it a Raspi firmware/hardware limitation
- Is it an XBMC limitation
- Oh but distribution X or Y does it, why can't XBian
In a relatively backwards way, in getting pushy about this, you are displaying a preference for XBian instead of the other distributions so that is a backwards compliment for which I. at least. thank you.
I'm sure everyone also appreciates your willingness to spend time on this problem.
At the risk of being unreasonably critical of a 'sister' distribution, in the analog+HDMI discussion, I think it was raised that the way Raspbmc has achieved some of their audio feats is not necessarily without complications and obviously Koennk has said, and I think rightfully, that when ALSA support becomes available in XBMC, XBian will be able to implement more audio functionality such as analog+HDMI and the USB audio you are requesting.
You can see information about the analog_HDMI issue here: http://forum.xbian.org/thread-66.html That will contain some of the background I have referred to above. There is also an issue in the XBian github repo here: https://github.com/xbianonpi/xbian/issues/172#issuecomment-11613538
Those are examples of more friendly ways to go about getting your request into the system. Best of luck.
7th Jan, 2013, 03:45 AM
Thanks for your repsonse, if i've been a bit pushy, yeah that's right. I do prefer Xbian, in the start of this project i've mirrored a image for koenkk.
That was an offer from my side, and i expect nothing in return. The reason i was pushy was because of there was no reply yet. Just some info to get me started, you know?
If i offensed anybody, than i'm sorry for that. that wasn't my intend. I also work 42 hours/week and don't have a lot of spare time. So i understand that not everybody can help within a few seconds. I was affraid that the topic dissapeared.
Thanks for the info, i will dig in later this week. I have to do some other stuff, i will post my results back later.
Thanks a lot!
Thanks for your repsonse, if i've been a bit pushy, yeah that's right. I do prefer Xbian, in the start of this project i've mirrored a image for koenkk.
That was an offer from my side, and i expect nothing in return. The reason i was pushy was because of there was no reply yet. Just some info to get me started, you know?
If i offensed anybody, than i'm sorry for that. that wasn't my intend. I also work 42 hours/week and don't have a lot of spare time. So i understand that not everybody can help within a few seconds. I was affraid that the topic dissapeared.
Thanks for the info, i will dig in later this week. I have to do some other stuff, i will post my results back later.
Thanks a lot!
(7th Jan, 2013 03:38 AM)raspberry_pd Wrote: [ -> ]@leroyz84: you've been a bit pushy in this thread so I can understand that you're not necessarily getting the usual level of XBian friendliness. Perhaps we can keep things a little more neutral toned and that would help?
We've had some discussions about getting simultaneous analog and HDMI audio happening recently and that has touched on very similar issues ...
- Is it a Raspi firmware/hardware limitation
- Is it an XBMC limitation
- Oh but distribution X or Y does it, why can't XBian
In a relatively backwards way, in getting pushy about this, you are displaying a preference for XBian instead of the other distributions so that is a backwards compliment for which I. at least. thank you.
I'm sure everyone also appreciates your willingness to spend time on this problem.
At the risk of being unreasonably critical of a 'sister' distribution, in the analog+HDMI discussion, I think it was raised that the way Raspbmc has achieved some of their audio feats is not necessarily without complications and obviously Koennk has said, and I think rightfully, that when ALSA support becomes available in XBMC, XBian will be able to implement more audio functionality such as analog+HDMI and the USB audio you are requesting.
You can see information about the analog_HDMI issue here: http://forum.xbian.org/thread-66.html That will contain some of the background I have referred to above. There is also an issue in the XBian github repo here: https://github.com/xbianonpi/xbian/issues/172#issuecomment-11613538
Those are examples of more friendly ways to go about getting your request into the system. Best of luck.
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