So, i found an snippet from Sphere for an python screensaver, using the default skinning engine.
So no more C++ dizzle for screensavers.
I found it weird that there were no nice clock screensavers, so i decided to give it a go.
This was my first python experiment, so carefully opened up the code.
As a result this came out
- Able to hide the date
- Jumping across screen to prevent burn-ins
- Bounce mode
- Setting a single background image
- Setting a directory for multiple backgrounds (sliding)
- Setting time color
What does not work:
- 12/24 hour (ATM only 24 hour works)
- Skins
Also there will be some skin support so you can make your own clocks.
Download it from Github
New code is on github.
Added clock color and an background image.
Fixes crash on windows and a couple of other bugs.
This looks too tempting to pass over.....
Another one to try over the weekend methinks.
Thanks for sharing.
Noob question... What repository must i add to be able to install this?
(29th Aug, 2013 11:03 PM)Exnor Wrote: [ -> ]Noob question... What repository must i add to be able to install this?
1sso OP's post

direct link to git so you download and install as .zip
(29th Aug, 2013 11:03 PM)Exnor Wrote: [ -> ]Noob question... What repository must i add to be able to install this?
brantje, why nop make offiial XBMC repo finally for XBIAN addons? I was (as feasibility study) creating alreadady and it can't by easier to maintain of update.
currently is there the ABMEER skin with XBIANMOD. repo installed which currently points to myself again. Even
check our repo repo "xbian-xbmc-repositorfy", you can directly grab the ZIP file and install.
(30th Aug, 2013 02:02 AM)mk01 Wrote: [ -> ] (29th Aug, 2013 11:03 PM)Exnor Wrote: [ -> ]Noob question... What repository must i add to be able to install this?
@brantje, why nop make offiial XBMC repo finally for XBIAN addons? I was (as feasibility study) creating alreadady and it can't by easier to maintain of update.
currently is there the ABMEER skin with XBIANMOD. repo installed which currently points to myself again. Even
check our repo repo "xbian-xbmc-repositorfy", you can directly grab the ZIP file and install.
Another noob question.. how do i add your repository to Xbian to be able to get the file via APT-GET ??
(29th Aug, 2013 11:15 PM)rikardo1979 Wrote: [ -> ] (29th Aug, 2013 11:03 PM)Exnor Wrote: [ -> ]Noob question... What repository must i add to be able to install this?
1sso OP's post
direct link to git so you download and install as .zip
Ok so i got the zip and uncompressed to an folder... where do i put the files?
(29th Aug, 2013 11:15 PM)rikardo1979 Wrote: [ -> ] (29th Aug, 2013 11:03 PM)Exnor Wrote: [ -> ]Noob question... What repository must i add to be able to install this?
1sso OP's post
direct link to git so you download and install as .zip
Ok i got it...
rename de uncompressed directory to script.screensaver.clock and it works
Great job

its the screensaver i wanted

Glad you like it =).
mk01, the plugin will be soon official repo ready

ok, let me know then. We will move AMBER to you, you will change the three http:// lines in repo .xml and will run this script ( the script is going around the dir where started - each unpacked addon add to index file, will update each addons.xlm file to the data from repo.xml and that's whole story. zero efford and users are just dowbnladiubg and installing .zip for first time, since tghen all goes auto. even if repo moved, stoppedm later started ....
ad the amber you don't need to get from my, simply clone the amber from git ... and rerun the script. the only rule is, all addoins which are supposed to9 be part f repo, needs \ to be inside the sane folder.
(30th Aug, 2013 03:45 AM)brantje Wrote: [ -> ]Glad you like it =).
@mk01, the plugin will be soon official repo ready 
I love it

its the perfect screensaver for me.
Is anyway i can change the background to other color than black without using a image? Full black is the state that stresses the LCD matrix the most :/ .
Also a suggestion if you can implement: Can you put the RSS reader to display along with the clock? That would be sweet
Thks for all the work mate

Background color is possible, but why not use an image?
(1st Oct, 2013 09:11 PM)brantje Wrote: [ -> ]Background color is possible, but why not use an image?
Yep you right... i always use images so the color is irrelevant
Thks for all the work mate

(1st Oct, 2013 09:11 PM)brantje Wrote: [ -> ]Background color is possible, but why not use an image?
Hi again
The screensaver stop working in the RC1 version... when it "starts" its just show a black screen and crashes XBMC... have to SSH login and restart the service.
Any idea if its just me or is this a known issue?
there is no special XBMC version shipped with RC1 as with B2. And I don't have Frodo anymore to test, but the screensaver (after dependency fix) works with no issues under Gotham (RPI / MacOS). Can you provide "cut" from debug log at the time you hit preview until XBMC crashes?
also what version you have ? at last I posted few crash related fixes (on start, exit, etc).
on XBian Addon XBMC repo should be actual version.