(15th Feb, 2013 03:03 AM)CurlyMo Wrote: [ -> ]Did you first remove the old transmission deamon?
Yep. Not purge, only remove. And transmission-cli too.
(15th Feb, 2013 02:58 AM)CurlyMo Wrote: [ -> ]Can you please move the output to pastebin.
I understand you, sorry.
SickBeard isn't starting on boot anymore. I've seen this problem a number of times and a reboot usually solves the issue. Not this time though. When I try to start the program using the script in init.d (sudo ./sickbeard start), I get:
[ ok ] Starting Sickbeard:.
But when I check to see if it's running using ps -A, it doesn't show up. Anybody else seeing this issue?
Did you install the first or second version?
(15th Feb, 2013 04:31 AM)CurlyMo Wrote: [ -> ]Did you install the first or second version?
I installed the version from the xbian config. I assume that's the second. It was running for a while. Unsure what killed it.
It's the first, can you install the new packages as stated in the first post of this topic.
(15th Feb, 2013 04:48 AM)CurlyMo Wrote: [ -> ]It's the first, can you install the new packages as stated in the first post of this topic.
xbian-package-download is already the newest version.
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 13 not upgraded.
The second part of the first post.
Sickbeard didn't start for me either. I changed the /etc/init.d/sickbeard script to run Sickbeard as root. Now it works, but I don't know, if this was intended. I think there are some problems with ownerships of logs, because before I got an error at logrotate...
Now I fixed Sickbeard, Couchpotato won't come up anymore. When I try to browse these errors are written to the log:
02-14 20:26:44 ERROR ^[[31m[o.core._base.clientscript] 'front'^[[0m
02-14 20:26:44 ERROR ^[[31m[o.core._base.clientscript] 'head'^[[0m
Maybes also a permissioning problem? Changing to run the process as root didn't help here. :-(
Same for you, use the new packages.
Any solution for my problem please. All the time transmission say Error: Unable to save resume file: No such file or directory.
(15th Feb, 2013 05:20 AM)CurlyMo Wrote: [ -> ]The second part of the first post.
Thank you for being so kind. I feel like a clown! It is now working.
I've restored my old db and config files and everything is back to normal.
Thanks again.
(15th Feb, 2013 05:38 AM)CurlyMo Wrote: [ -> ]Same for you, use the new packages.
I used the new packages. I installed NZBGet, SickBeard and CouchPotato through the commands from the first post. Or did they change since Tuesday?
Btw: If I wait a couple of minutes, also CouchPotatos web interface comes up and is reachable... Seems to heal itself after some time.
(15th Feb, 2013 03:58 AM)picheto Wrote: [ -> ] (15th Feb, 2013 02:58 AM)CurlyMo Wrote: [ -> ]Can you please move the output to pastebin.
I understand you, sorry.
wuschl, these packages tend to start really slow.
Yeah, maybe this is the problem. I will keep an eye on it.
Other question: Is there a package for the libpar2-cancel-patch? When I try to cancel verification of a fiel in NZBGet, it tells me:
Cannot cancel par-repair for "movie", used version of libpar2 does not support cancelling