I have successfully used my WiFi dongle with Openelec and Raspbmc and xbmc in Gotham/ Helix versions. Now I thought to try Xbian and I am stuck. I downloaded windows installer and installed RC2 for my pi and booted. I go into settings menu and open the WiFi config screen with proper navigation - nomproblem here. I select wlan0. Next line "status" shows "DOWN". I think this will be automatically changed once WiFi connects so I don't touch this.
Now the problem: I open by clicking on "SSID" OPTION. The option opens a window and shows my only network say named "XYZ". I try to select that and click on it by mouse or press enter on keyboard. The window gets closed and nothing happens - the SSID does not get selected. I have tried this number of times but nothing helps.
My SSID is WPA2 protected incidentally.
Help requested.
I also noticed this. Can you open an issue on github. To temporarily overcome this, use xbian-config when you exit XBMC.
can you set debug, and post log.
i will try to reproduce later this week.
Thanks to curlymo and belese for their reply. I will try xbian-config in next few days when I am free. Regarding opening issue in github and posting log after setting debug I know nothing.
Oh! Didn't notice. Anyway will upload whenever I get time
(3rd Jun, 2014 06:44 AM)belese Wrote: [ -> ]can you set debug, and post log.
i will try to reproduce later this week.
I'm having the same issue... my log file is #217928 or
i don't see anything in log,
probably i catch this exception without log :-(
There's an error on wifi connect translation, someone has pushed something on git,
if you're hurry, you can try this push request :
i'm trying to have a devel environement with pi and cubord now,
if it take not too much time, hope i can check this today.
Thanks, but I have wiped the card on my original pi and wiped the two new ones I bought and moved to Openelec instead. I am actually able to connect to my network easily on openelec however even though i am connected to the network i am not connected to the internet. I have now tried XBIAN, RASPBMC, OPENELEC and they have all failed me with regard to connecting via WiFi. I've probably spent 20 hrs on all this and I'm about ready ram my head into a wall

1) Have you tried it via the ssh xbian-config - that has always worked.
2) Does the SSID have a space in it? There was an issue with that.
3) Are you using DHCP or static. What are the values for IP, gateway, subnet and DNS servers?
4) Can you post the output of dmesg via pastebin.
parthabhatta and Renee Repka
I know this problem too.
Here is a short fix that is working for me.
Login via ssh or normal on your screen.
Then type
sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
iface eth0 inet dhcp
auto wlan0
allow-hotplug wlan0
iface wlan0 inet static
address 192.xxx.xxx.xx
gateway 192.xxx.xxx.xxx
wpa-ap-scan 1
wpa-scan-ssid 1
wpa-ssid "my-wlan-ssid"
wpa-psk "my-router-key"
Save with STRG-o and quit with STRG-x
I use wpa2 ("hidden") and W-LAN with a fixed IP, LAN is dhcp.
Yes, I know, hidden wifi is a joke ...

@duno Doesn't ssh xbian-config work? Or is there an issue with "hidden" Wifi networks?
(6th Jun, 2014 04:37 AM)IriDium Wrote: [ -> ]Doesn't ssh xbian-config work?
Ups, did not tried that ...
I was reading in the internet, that many pplz have probems with connecting to a "hidden" wifi with the pi, so I made it with "old school"
(6th Jun, 2014 04:37 AM)IriDium Wrote: [ -> ]@duno Doesn't ssh xbian-config work?
Yes, it working, same config inside.

I worked my WiFi in fixed mode by exiting from GUI and setting network via xbian-config and it worked. However, I changed over to openelec as xbian has no ALSA support and my hifiberry DAC is not supported in xbian. Will again return when xbian supports ALSA. Meantime, one encouraging thing was I could get my 16x2 LCD working with xbian. Thanks to everybody. Hope to return soon.
I too posted this issue in June 2014, but my thread was closed because of other posts (like this) reporting the same issue.
I upgraded to Xbian 1.0 RC-2 yesterday, and was disappointed that this issue had not yet been touched.
I mean, we are at RC-2 ? And this is a very basic & important issue.
I mean plugging in a WiFi Dongle is the first thing one would do, right ?
I know about ssh and other workarounds, but I was planning to gift this Ras-pi media player to an elderly relative and I cant expect her to SSH and scripts and stuff, so this issue is a deal breaker.
I'd like this media player to be used by lay people and not just Linux geeks.
I've waited for a couple of months for the devs to come up with the fix for this.
If there is none, its time to look at other distros.
If this issue is already solved (the proper way), please point me to the solution.
Thank You.