Hi guys,
I am trying to update my second RPI for some days now, but I do not understand,
why it is not going to a newer version with:
apt-get clean; apt-get update; apt-get upgrade
deb mirror://apt.xbian.org/mirror.txt stable main
deb http://mirrordirector.raspbian.org/raspbian/ wheezy main contrib non-free rpi
deb http://apt.xbian.org stable main
deb http://apt.xbian.org staging main
Anything wrong here or any ideas/solutions?
Did you follow the FAQ on the frontpage?
(7th Jan, 2015 07:51 PM)CurlyMo Wrote: [ -> ]Did you follow the FAQ on the frontpage?
Yes, of course, twice.
It seems, my sources.list and the other file are correct, too.
That is the output after an update try:
Reading package lists... Done
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
The following packages have been kept back:
libc-bin libc-dev-bin libc6 libc6-dev libgcc1 libstdc++6
xbian-package-config-shell xbian-package-config-xbmc xbian-package-lirc
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 10 not upgraded.
So, the question is why kept back/not upgraded ... and how to force it?
By doing an apt-get dist-upgrade for this once.
apt-get install xbian-update
(7th Jan, 2015 09:47 PM)CurlyMo Wrote: [ -> ]Post the output of:
cat /etc/apt/sources.list.d/xbian.list
Did not I do that in the first post? Here:
deb mirror://apt.xbian.org/mirror.txt stable main
### deb mirror://apt.xbian.org/mirror.txt staging main -
### deb mirror://apt.xbian.org/mirror.txt devel main -
My mistake
Please add rpi-wheezy to the end of each line.
(7th Jan, 2015 09:59 PM)CurlyMo Wrote: [ -> ]My mistake
Please add rpi-wheezy to the end of each line.
Okay, done:
deb mirror://apt.xbian.org/mirror.txt stable main rpi-wheezy
### deb mirror://apt.xbian.org/mirror.txt staging main rpi-wheezy
### deb mirror://apt.xbian.org/mirror.txt devel main rpi-wheezy
... and tried apt-get dist-update and apt-get xbian-update again.
Both led to the same output as above. :\
You need to apt-get update -f when modifying sources. Any better?
(8th Jan, 2015 12:11 AM)menakite Wrote: [ -> ]You need to apt-get update -f when modifying sources. Any better?
Same thing:
root@xbian:/home/xbian# apt-get upgrade -f
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
The following packages have been kept back:
libc-bin libc-dev-bin libc6 libc6-dev libgcc1 libstdc++6
xbian-package-config-shell xbian-package-config-xbmc xbian-package-firmware
xbian-package-lirc xbian-package-xbmc xbian-update
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 12 not upgraded.
I tried update -f and then upgrade -f. No difference.
is this really from A5 ?
Only TESTED (and originally prepared/designed) upgrade way from A5 was through A5->B1->B2->XXX.
XBian preB2 releases required strict DOWN-oneversion-UP policy when upgrading because specially xbian-update-magic (and content) was containing ONLY INCREMENTAL differences between those versions.
Only with B2 and higher previous/current state doesn't matter because none XBian package currently depends on it's predecessor (except for data of course).
Yes, that means that you should be able to upgrade from A5 to current with no issues - and yes, technically you can. What is holding you back are not aligned version dependencies currently valid with version ~4 generations old.
If you want to keep your A5 systems, update this hackerish way: force remove all XBian packages, install back.
so on running A5:
dpkg-query -W xbian\* | awk '$2 != "" ' | xargs -L1 dpkg --force-all -r
apt-get install -f
apt-get dist-upgrade
apt-get install -y --force-yes -o Acquire::Languages=none -o APT::Install-Suggests=0 \
-o APT::Install-Recommends=0 -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confdef" -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confold" \
net-tools firmware-ralink firmware-realtek firmware-atheros isc-dhcp-client policykit-1 \
xbian-package-kernel xbian-package-cec xbian-package-config-shell \
xbian-package-config-xbmc xbian-package-firmware xbian-package-initramfs-tools \
xbian-package-libtag xbian-package-lirc xbian-package-samba xbian-package-shairplay \
xbian-package-splash xbian-package-upstart-xbmc-bridge xbian-package-usbmount \
xbian-package-vnc-server xbian-package-xbianhome xbian-package-xbmc \
xbian-package-xbmc-scripts xbian-package-zram-swap xbian-update
(13th Jan, 2015 01:44 PM)mk01 Wrote: [ -> ]@syco
is this really from A5 ?
Only TESTED (and originally prepared/designed) upgrade way from A5 was through A5->B1->B2->XXX.
XBian preB2 releases required strict DOWN-oneversion-UP policy when upgrading because specially xbian-update-magic (and content) was containing ONLY INCREMENTAL differences between those versions.
Only with B2 and higher previous/current state doesn't matter because none XBian package currently depends on it's predecessor (except for data of course).
Yes, that means that you should be able to upgrade from A5 to current with no issues - and yes, technically you can. What is holding you back are not aligned version dependencies currently valid with version ~4 generations old.
If you want to keep your A5 systems, update this hackerish way: force remove all XBian packages, install back.
so on running A5:
dpkg-query -W xbian\* | awk '$2 != "" ' | xargs -L1 dpkg --force-all -r
apt-get install -f
apt-get dist-upgrade
apt-get install -y --force-yes -o Acquire::Languages=none -o APT::Install-Suggests=0 \
-o APT::Install-Recommends=0 -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confdef" -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confold" \
net-tools firmware-ralink firmware-realtek firmware-atheros isc-dhcp-client policykit-1 \
xbian-package-kernel xbian-package-cec xbian-package-config-shell \
xbian-package-config-xbmc xbian-package-firmware xbian-package-initramfs-tools \
xbian-package-libtag xbian-package-lirc xbian-package-samba xbian-package-shairplay \
xbian-package-splash xbian-package-upstart-xbmc-bridge xbian-package-usbmount \
xbian-package-vnc-server xbian-package-xbianhome xbian-package-xbmc \
xbian-package-xbmc-scripts xbian-package-zram-swap xbian-update
No, no, I do not want to stay on 1.05a. I want to upgrade to the newest version, either RC2 or RC3 ... and that is not working, as you can see following this thread history.