hello, i have 2 Rpi, one with Raspbmc and wanted to install Xbian on the second, i use on the first a TSOP4838 on Gpio pins with my Harmony One config as a Mce remote. on the Raspbmc, i simply choose MCE remote in the remote config and all is working well, i installed Xbian and found no way to make my remote working.. i did some look at the forum but found nothing about Gpio.. when i lauch mode2 in shh, i have errors messages :
mode2 : could not get file ...
mode2 : default_init() : no such ..
in a thread i read this mean the remote is not working ..
someone can tell me a way to make this working ? as on Raspbmc it's working out of the box, it's strange it's not working on Xbian.
best regards
You need to add lirc_rpi to /etc/modules so it loads by default. Then lirc will automatically start with it's TSOP4838 configuration. So, lirc checks the loaded modules to know if you are using a GPIO IR Receiver.
Thx for the quick answer CurlyMo. now mode2 give me something but the remote still not work. i have to do the things with
http://xbian.org/2012/12/configuring-a-remote/ ? it's a simple MCE remote programed in my harmony, it's not built in Xbian ??
thx, i did some tests, if i use your config, nothing is working, if i use the rc6-mce-lircd.conf from Raspbmc (the one i use and working) the remote work but i have the multiple press issue, i mean i press right one time it do 2 or more times ... so at the moment, i can't use this..
Did irw work?
You can also try using my custom Lircmap.xml:
<remote device="mceusb">
ok i got it work ! used your .conf but i modified another Lircmap.xml to make it work with my remote buttons..so now all seem to be ok.
i'll be give a try to xbian now .. but it seem to be cool. i like it for moment .. but that really strange to have to do all these things about remotes.. when with raspbmc all is just in a config windows.. you select GPIO or not, and your remote .. and nothing else to do ..
Remember that XBian is about a half year younger than Raspbmc, so still a lot of work to do. Can you share your config files?
Can you also do a request on git. Can't remember everything

no prob i just say that to make people thing about it ! lol. i'll make a request on it. about my files.. not sure thay are really nice, i mean i'm not sure they are good for everybody, example, i configured the key "Menu" on my harmony one, with "teletext" of the MCE remote i use in Harmony (coz there is no Menu key in the logitech tool for MCE remote) just to have the PreviousMenu working..
but if it can help ..
Lircmap.XML :
i didn't replaced all the key, so some are not working, i just did a small test for moment..
i use this with your .conf for lircd.conf
i continue on this thread as it's for an Harmony One .. all is working but some time in video menu (i only use that ) the remote no more respond, example, i press down, down, down (to navigate in my movie list) and at a tiem, it hand on a movie name (not always the same) and after i can't press up or down, if i use the IOS remote on my iphone and go back to the prev menu, the remote is back working, i can go ahead in the movie folder and scroll again the list .. it's strange isn't it ?? on another Rpi i use Raspbmc and i don't have this problem, with same IR reciever and a Harmony one (configured as same).
Any idea ?
best regards
Wierd, it's always working here...
i'll wait someone make MCE Rc6 + Gpio working out of the box on Xbian .. lol !! coz perhaps i did something wrong..when i compare the .conf used in Xbian and the one used in Raspbmc, it's not the same values at the begin of the files, perhaps this is something to deal with ..
Raspbmc :
Quote:begin remote
name mceusb
bits 16
eps 30
aeps 100
header 2667 889
one 444 444
zero 444 444
pre_data_bits 21
pre_data 0x37FF0
gap 105000
toggle_bit 22
rc6_mask 0x100000000
Xbian :
Quote:begin remote
name mceusb
bits 13
eps 30
aeps 100
header 2673 862
one 473 413
zero 473 413
pre_data_bits 24
pre_data 0x1BFF83
gap 105886
min_repeat 2
# suppress_repeat 2
# uncomment to suppress unwanted repeats
toggle_bit_mask 0x8000
rc6_mask 0x100000000
Can you follow my remote config tutorial on the xbian wiki?
yep , i just tried
i started at
Step 3b , btw the link for namespaces :
here give : Currently, the page has no text.
so i stoped lirc and lauched irrecord /home/xbian/remote.conf
i follow step asking me to press buttons to make dots.. but there is not a lot of dot and then i get an error messages :
Quote:irrecord: could not find gap.
irrecord: gap not founb, can't continue
any idea ?
found.. need to stop XBMC too .. i take a look a the created file and come back here..