hello i get trouble with one Mkv on my Rpi with 12.1 Xbian, no problem on my Rpi 12.2 Raspbmc, so my question there is a way to install 12.2 on xbian ?
best regards
ok thx i test it in some minutes..
i did.. and now all is working good ! nice !! thx for the help
Help please, I'm trying to update to 12.2 using the instruction on the github page and I get the following error when I restart XBMC:-
xbian@xbian ~/xbmc-nightly $ sudo service xbmc start
xbian@xbian ~/xbmc-nightly $ /usr/local/lib/xbmc/xbmc.bin: error while loading shared libraries: libbluetooth.so.3: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
sudo apt-get install libbluetooth3
fixes it
Thank you for such a quick response

However that clears up the libbluetooth3 error. But now XBMC wont start. It gets to the starting XBMC splash screen and just hangs there

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install xbian-package-firmware
Still hangs at starting xbmc, the progress bar moves but xbmc never starts.
Did you reboot after that?
Yep, a few times, also tried a new install, same problem.
Then try
sudo apt-get upgrade -y
sudo apt-get install xbian-package-xbmc
(I had the same issue you have today while testing XBMC 12.2, and somehow solved it)
i didn't had any trouble but yep i made an apt-get upgrade yesterday ... so perhaps ..
Excellent, that fixed it, thanks for the help Koenkk.
Ok, next problem, that's not 12.2. It's showing as 12.1 Git:20130317-0d373cc (Compiled: Mar 18 2013)
OK, did the github install instructions again and now it works and it's XBMC 12.2. Finally

(4th May, 2013 06:41 AM)roidy Wrote: [ -> ]Excellent, that fixed it, thanks for the help Koenkk.
Ok, next problem, that's not 12.2. It's showing as 12.1 Git:20130317-0d373cc (Compiled: Mar 18 2013)
OK, did the github install instructions again and now it works and it's XBMC 12.2. Finally 
Just want to confirm that I had the same issues after an upgrade to 12.2 and all the steps above did resolve the booting problem.