Sub Forums:
- Can't play most of my videos (9 Replies)
- Increase network buffer (23 Replies)
- No image in video from thumbnail view (2 Replies)
- rootfs full? how come? (5 Replies)
- Import Video DB from 0.8.3 to 1.0 Alpha 3 (2 Replies)
- Favorits in addon shortcuts (3 Replies)
- How to start couchpotato and sickbeard? (1 Reply)
- A few configuration issues - new user (7 Replies)
- HDD Usb connected, detected but not updating library (9 Replies)
- Set new CPU Priority for omxplayer (15 Replies)
- Newbie question - how play DVD's? (6 Replies)
- Visualisations output (4 Replies)
- XBMC ouputs ERROR and WARNING into xbmc.log (2 Replies)
- why is this file causing problems? (4 Replies)
- libEGL.so not found (2 Replies)
- XBMC dies when updating entities of large library (>100 entries) (4 Replies)
- Audio Warble at beginning of videos (4 Replies)
- XBian 1.0 Alpha 4 crash (2 Replies)
- Trouble with 10bit mkvs (3 Replies)
- Packed B frames fix missing in XBian? (1 Reply)