Additional Packages
Important threads
- [Part 3] Download torrent & newsserver packages (221 Replies)
- Python scripts? (5 Replies)
- Installing python modules fails (10 Replies)
- I know it's just at alpha 2, but... (7 Replies)
- Installing a kodi-visualization package (8 Replies)
- GAME EMULATORS - Advanced Launcher (7 Replies)
- Create My Deamon Systemd with autostart/autorestart (8 Replies)
- Unable to install libav-tools, ffmpeg etc. on Stretch (10 Replies)
- Flexget vs Couch Potato and Sick Beard (7 Replies)
- Guide: rTorrent + ruTorrent installation (57 Replies)
- deCONZ (Raspbee/Conbee program) via VNC or X-forwarding (4 Replies)
- google cloud print installation (3 Replies)
- XBian tvheadend package (50 Replies)
- SNMPD does not work. (2 Replies)
- ffmpeg (stretch) (cubox-i) (8 Replies)
- [SOLVED] build-essential on stretch (cubox-i) (5 Replies)
- Whos maintaining transmission pkg (7 Replies)
- Installing libwebkitgtk (7 Replies)
- VNC problem. (2 Replies)
- Issues with UNRAR and possible solution (4 Replies)
- Weather underground (5 Replies)