I am getting "Err
http://apt.xbian.org devel/main armhf Packages 404 Not Found"
I check & run update every few days. Noticed this yesterday, figured i would wait a day or 2. But it does look like there are updates, just cant download them at this time. Thanks for any info/help.
Did you read the XBian.org main FAQ?
Thanks CurlyMo, i did that last month... redoing v1 & v2 Pi now. Perfect =)
.xbmc removal is too big stuff to start with. somehow Gotham introduced this bolackscreens via guisettings.xml incompatibility during it's version progressing.
it started back with 13.0 Betas, continued for sure with 13.0 FINAL. don't remember this anymore with 13.2 - although 13.2 is 13.2, right? so no progressing anymore.
My long story short: even when we got used to that with v13, IT IS a BUG. it should not be considered NORMAL (like to expect this as part of XBMC upgrade process - no). I don't remmber it from 11 or 11 -> Frodo. .... if this should ever repeat again, start with guisettings.xml rm.
Any other removal / reconfiguration I would personally consider as FAIL. Not that it simply couldn't happen, sure it can. But should be in detail reviewed, problem found and fixed.
(22nd Nov, 2014 11:59 AM)f1vefour Wrote: [ -> ]I would think it would default to merging the new fstab instead of overwriting it.
@mk01 Any ideas?
actually the idea of fstab update code was to touch/update xbian's lines only - meaning resulted fstab should be NO replace. it should preserve user lines.
BUT CurlyMoo was reporting SMB mounts being lost on xbian-update updates regularly. some bugs in that update code we found, probably not all. Maybe he stopped reporting that only because it was too much workload

(not because it was fixed).
BUT2, I would need EXACT copy of fstab which will get messed. As on casual look the code should do what intended.
BUT3, ok, found it. can we do a test run ?
cd /tmp
touch /run/noreboot
wget http://ivka57.dyndns-ip.com/-/xbian-update1.0.2-122.deb
dpkg -i --force-all xbian-update1.0.2-122.deb
mk01 I have a standard fstab so no help.
I know. Can you please ask Sky?

Skywatch or any other person that has this issue.
Could you backup your fstab and try mk01's resolution and report back please?
cd /tmp
touch /run/noreboot
wget http://ivka57.dyndns-ip.com/-/xbian-update1.0.2-122.deb
dpkg -i --force-all xbian-update1.0.2-122.deb
You know I have a standard fstab because you're remotely monitoring my pi while I sleep to make sure it stays safe at night?

(17th Dec, 2014 06:51 PM)f1vefour Wrote: [ -> ]@mk01
You know I have a standard fstab because you're remotely monitoring my pi while I sleep to make sure it stays safe at night?

I'm monitoring it physically at YOUR place once a week!
- you snort when sleeping and RPI was complaining about that
- also it said to me that it doesn't like not having SD card flashed more often (for instance via Hourly cron process)
so reconsider. because I'm watching you!
Had to give you a +2 for that one, actually laughed out loud.
I knew my security cameras were capturing something unusual, there is a period once a week where 1 hour of footage goes mysteriously missing.
Performing the above commands (prefixing the last with 'sudo' or it complains!) went OK, but on reboot and looking at /etc/fstab the line to the SMB links was gone again! So I replaced it and continued to test.
I performed an update and upgrade (both via xbian-config) and all is well, the SMB mount line remained after the upgrade. So I think you got it - Nice One!
Thank you.
You hear that @
mk01, another bug fixed. Quite an anoying one as well, for some but not me...since I get those weekly personalized tuneups by a lead developer
Thanks for testing and reporting Skywatch, it's so helpful when people do this.
I have got nothing as FSTAB is changed only by xbian-update (so when new xbian-update pkg is installing. so if you did dpkg -i xbian-update (that ver I posted), only that part is important.
(by all means your SMB line must be very precious, worth diamonds.

most kept secret on xbian forum until today.

I'm not sure, but if you ask maybe f1vfour,, maybe he tells you, that maybe only maybe THE smb line could be helpfull. if provided for testing

In other words you still need a copy of his fstab for local testing? A bit of a language barrier issue on that last comment, quite forgiveable since I don't speak a word of your native language @
sounds logical, isn't it ? ;-)
as a perfect gentleman I'm also prepared to continue with blind try-and-see cycles for next few weeks - if THE line is shy, or with similar problem. or I can promise, If Skywatch provides it, I wont look at HER

Here is the fstab I am using (it works, but there might be another way to do it better - I am *always* willing to learn!)...
/dev/mmcblk0p1 /boot xbian rw,nobootwait 0 1
/dev/root /home xbian subvol=home/@,noatime,nobootwait 0 0
/dev/root /lib/modules xbian subvol=modules/@,noatime,nobootwait 0 0
/dev/root / xbian noatime,nobootwait 0 0
none /run/lock tmpfs noauto 0 0
none /run/shm tmpfs noauto 0 0
none /run/user tmpfs noauto 0 0
// /tmp/server/ cifs username=admin,password=****,uid=xbian,port=139,netbiosname='test' 0 0