(7th May, 2013 12:18 AM)rikardo1979 Wrote: [ -> ] (7th May, 2013 12:11 AM)Smultie Wrote: [ -> ]Is it working for someone?
OFC it does...otherwise it won't be released
Well it obviously doesn't work for me... Tried a fresh 1.0 alpha 5 install and
then the update, no game. Just the splash. Reinstall has no effect.
I say it needs some work?

Is it possible thats the new version use more memory . I have now a usage of 70 % here normal is it about 30% on my RPI 512
(7th May, 2013 12:18 AM)rikardo1979 Wrote: [ -> ] (7th May, 2013 12:11 AM)Smultie Wrote: [ -> ]Is it working for someone?
OFC it does...otherwise it won't be released
So far I've seen zero positive remarks.
(7th May, 2013 12:36 AM)Smultie Wrote: [ -> ] (7th May, 2013 12:18 AM)rikardo1979 Wrote: [ -> ] (7th May, 2013 12:11 AM)Smultie Wrote: [ -> ]Is it working for someone?
OFC it does...otherwise it won't be released
So far I've seen zero positive remarks.
it has been tested with 100% positive feedback and has been updated numerous times

the reports here are just a fracture and specific
If you updated and need to roll back to 12.1, ssh into your xbian install...
(7th May, 2013 12:23 AM)rGr Wrote: [ -> ]Well it obviously doesn't work for me... Tried a fresh 1.0 alpha 5 install and then the update, no game. Just the splash. Reinstall has no effect.
Same here, a fresh install didn't help.
512MB raspi B
(7th May, 2013 12:39 AM)rikardo1979 Wrote: [ -> ]it has been tested with 100% positive feedback and has been updated numerous times
the reports here are just a fracture and specific
100%, except for me reporting that the PVR binaries appear to be broken, and asking for this update to be rolled back and not to be put out until after you've finished moving to the newer version of libc that raspbian uses and XBMC upstream will expect.
(7th May, 2013 12:39 AM)rikardo1979 Wrote: [ -> ] (7th May, 2013 12:36 AM)Smultie Wrote: [ -> ] (7th May, 2013 12:18 AM)rikardo1979 Wrote: [ -> ] (7th May, 2013 12:11 AM)Smultie Wrote: [ -> ]Is it working for someone?
OFC it does...otherwise it won't be released
So far I've seen zero positive remarks.
it has been tested with 100% positive feedback and has been updated numerous times
the reports here are just a fracture and specific
Kind of harsh, seems there is at least
something going on if users independent of one another encounter the same problem, even when updating from a clean 1.0a5 install. If the issue can be reproduced "reliably" then something is not right.
No big deal if there's a problem, just don't deny it.
For those interested: I had mopidy (
http://www.mopidy.com/) successfully running beside xbmc 12.1, but upgrading to xbmc 12.2 using the ssh apt method xbmc fails to start (/usr/lib/xbmc/xbmc.bin: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/xbmc/xbmc.bin: undefined symbol: _ZTIN6TagLib8IOStreamE)
seems to be a conflict in libtag, removing mopidy the new xbmc runs without problems. re-installing mopidy 12.2 is broken again.
I haven't put any more effort in this, but ofcourse I'd like to be able to run mopidy alongside 12.2 again just as it did with 12.1.. anyone any ideas or insights?
My problem was simply xbmc vs. mopidy related: for every update of xbmc package (where /etc/init.d/xbmc gets updated) /etc/init.d/xbmc needs to be altered with export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib.
I forgot I changed it in the first place.
Same to me. Doesn't work at all. Segmentation fault when i lauch xbmc.bin.
raspi modelB. Youtube+Vimeo+pelisalacarta plugins.
On another forum I frequent nothing but "Not working" as well.
Seems to me the testing procedure is not up-to-par...
I'll wait another couple of days...
Works fine for me. 1.0a5 updated to 12.1 and now to 12.2.
I am also encountering the problem that the system won't boot after the update. Tried it on two different Model B raspis, with three different SD cards of which two were clean installs with 1.0a5. Tried updating via SSH, even gave it a try via the Xbian Config. I've been going through the update process at least five times on both of the machines with different setups, wasn't successful even once. I suggest rolling back the update ASAP, since even clean installs won't work until there's a fix...
Edit: The nightly-workaround that highway suggests seems to be working...
Mine works fine too. Perhaps you have to go from Alpha 5 to 12.1 to 12.2?
Before doing 12.1 to 12.2 I did:
sudo su
apt-get update
apt-get upgrade
apt-get install xbian-package-xbmc -y
echo "xbian-package-xbmc hold" | sudo dpkg --set-selections
will hold back apt from upgrading xbian-package-xbmc. Then (as posted above)
will roll you back to 2.1, but you can also get nightly binaries instead.
When you want to update the package again
echo "xbian-package-xbmc install" | sudo dpkg --set-selections
will turn updates back on.
Even testing with a nightly, the cmyth PVR plugins are causing libc memory check errors. So I'm still going to strongly recommend xbian pull 12.2 until, a) xbian is using the more recent versions of libc, b) there are patches to 12.2 that address these problems if a newer libc doesn't fix them.