The following steps are tested with the XBian latest (2005-10-17), HiFiBerry Digi/Digi+, Raspberry Pi 2.
Note: You need to enable SSH access from Kodi into XBian config panel.
> ssh -l xbian [the IP of raspberry device]
default password is "raspberry"
remove the default sound module into /etc/modules.xbian by commenting its line entry
> sudo vi /etc/modules.xbian
and comment the line
Step 2:
edit /boot/config.txt file by adding the proper overlay
> sudo vi /boot/config.txt
and make the following changes:
Step 3:
Now you can select the DIGI into the Kodi Audio Output panel (also as passthrough device).
#### EDIT 8 march 2016 ####
See post
Thanks @picov.
Stupid me updated first, then followed your step by step instructions, so I don't know if the update made it work or some changes. Anyway, it works!

(For about a week now, pretty stable.) Movies and Music is equally amplified, even.
Though I got a Kodi crash today...
CAESinkALSA::Initialize - failed to initialize device "@"
I can probably live with that, if it doesn't occur too often. (Was on movie start, of course.) Still, I'm wondering where it got the @ from.
(18th Oct, 2015 01:46 AM)picov Wrote: [ -> ]The following steps are tested with the XBian latest (2005-10-17), HiFiBerry Digi/Digi+, Raspberry Pi 2.
Note: You need to enable SSH access from Kodi into XBian config panel.
> ssh -l xbian [the IP of raspberry device]
default password is "raspberry"
remove the default sound module into /etc/modules.xbian by commenting its line entry
> sudo vi /etc/modules.xbian
and comment the line
Step 2:
edit /boot/config.txt file by adding the proper overlay
> sudo vi /boot/config.txt
and make the following changes:
Step 3:
Now you can select the DIGI into the Kodi Audio Output panel (also as passthrough device).
Hi as soon as i comment the line #snd_bcm2835 my xbian starts only in command line interface and not in gui anymore. Any idea why this happpens?
can you start xbmc manually? (sudo start xbmc)
Hi xbians,
So Kodi 16 Jarvis was updated and my hifiberry stopped beeing able to passthrough dts its greyed out on HDMI.
On Kodi 15 it was working smoothly.
Now i've read that there is a patch to force it to work by bypassing some settings. I imagin it was applied on kodi 15.
Will it be applied to Kodi 16 too? And if not is there anyway i can roll back to kodi 15 to get my movie sound back?
Thanks for your time.
Edit: Did a roll back found the apt-get xbian-package-xbmc="insertversion" thingy. Now my sound is back in DTS. would like to hear if this gets solved in kodi 16 though. cheers
@Ewoud Bakker
Which Raspberry Pi do you use - 1 or 2?
I think you mean this patch
Maybe this has already been fixed in the kernel driver
If you're using a RPi2, you could enable the devel package in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/xbian.list by removing the three ### in the devel line (usually line 3) to upgrade to the latest kernel 4.4.3 and try again
And yes, roll back is very simple (oh, you already did it)
Patch has been applied and new packages were build.
You have to enable staging repo to get them (same procedure written in my previous post, only enable staging instead of devel (usually line 2))
and then, run a
sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade
Thnx for the information.
running on Rpi2
I rolled back but my HDMI Cec wasn't working will update again and try your way.
hmmmz new problem occured, while apt-get upgrade my disk space got filled... any idea how to free it up or make it larger?

(5th Mar, 2016 07:54 AM)Ewoud Bakker Wrote: [ -> ]hmmmz new problem occured, while apt-get upgrade my disk space got filled... any idea how to free it up or make it larger?
/boot 31mb 21mb used
/main 30gb 8.6 used 21gb free
/main ??? I suppose you mean /
You have 21GB free, don't see the problem

I'm confused - You have 70% space available
Yeah i dont see it either. but nothing works anymore.
Only thing i can think of is that my rootfs is gone?
but wait there is more:
see the world burn, a nice paradox
Yes, agree. root fs seems damaged
I've done a fresh install.
- added staging
- ran upgade and updates.
- #snd_bcm2835
- dtoverlay=hifiberry-digi
aplay -l shows the hifiberry but also the bmc2835. in kodi it doesn't show the hifiberry.
any ideas?
I'm using a Hifiberry Amp, please show me the output of aplay -l and cat /etc/asound.conf
aplay -l
**** Liste der Hardware-Geräte (PLAYBACK) ****
Karte 0: sndrpihifiberry [snd_rpi_hifiberry_amp], Gerät 0: HifiBerry AMP HiFi tas5713-hifi-0 []
Sub-Geräte: 1/1
Sub-Gerät #0: subdevice #0
cat /etc/asound.conf
pcm.!default {
type hw card 0
ctl.!default {
type hw card 0
Make sure that you disabled lirc or remap i/o pins in /boot/config.txt:
# GPIO pins have to be remapped for LIRC for working together with Hifiberry
# Hifiberry