- Network always reverts to Eth0 (1 Reply)
- VPN to access media (3 Replies)
- Live TV ends in login console (12 Replies)
- no screen but sound (4 Replies)
- unable to open file - mediaportal .ts (4 Replies)
- Cannot install Pipelight (for Silverlight Content) (5 Replies)
- XBIAN 1 Beta 2 stoped Movie (1 Reply)
- double key presses with GPIO IR receiver (12 Replies)
- Can't make ssh start automatically. (8 Replies)
- Setup XBian for webm files (3 Replies)
- [USB Install] Xbian is incredibly slow, even when overclocked to Turbo. (4 Replies)
- Please delete (1 Reply)
- Enabling IPV6 automatically (3 Replies)
- is it possible to use encrypted usb hdd (7 Replies)
- Setup Static IP via Config (6 Replies)
- [Solved] Xbian-config overclock settings (10 Replies)
- Saving the share configuration (4 Replies)
- After boot, visible screen is reduced to quarter of the native resolution (4 Replies)
- NAS Media Library Set Content (1 Reply)
- Hostname changing (2 Replies)