- How to make new partition on SD for media files ? (5 Replies)
- Cannot install new packages (2 Replies)
- Xbian broke my HDD, any solution? (4 Replies)
- Can't access ext4 USB HDD (9 Replies)
- xbian-config (13 Replies)
- Need help with config of XBian + CouchPotato + Sickbeard + Transmission (10 Replies)
- Samba Won't Stop Autostarting [ACTUALLY IT DOES!] (2 Replies)
- HDD wakeup from idle constantly (2 Replies)
- df shows 53G disk usage, but du only 14G (4 Replies)
- port 22 and 80 not visible from public (router config-ok) (1 Reply)
- New user : No write access to USB drive (14 Replies)
- Can't add hard drive folder video sources (17 Replies)
- Apt-get raspbian python error (3 Replies)
- Can't wake monitor up from suspend/hiberate (2 Replies)
- Operate Beta 2 without a Keyboard (4 Replies)
- temperature file (2 Replies)
- xbian ssh german keyboard support (11 Replies)
- Phantom SMB-Shares (3 Replies)
- How to change the default ssh port number ? (3 Replies)
- xbian turn off guest access? (3 Replies)