(26th Mar, 2014 04:24 PM)mk01 Wrote: [ -> ]of course question wasn't meant as why you want to go for Gotham and not stay with Frodo for ever.
only if you need it _today_. Gotham is still far from final.
(although on Cubox-i runs great
Exactly, should have worded my response better. I meant things are rapidly changing and Frodo is a more stable choice currently.
Latest upgrade: 4th of May (Star Wars Day)
Issues: (So far :-) )
1) CPU is higher than RC2 MP3 - RC2 ~ 20% Gotham ~ 30% (Only difference is RC2 is on normal OC, Gotham is on Xbian OC)!!!
2) Unable to change fonts on XBMC "Home" (Ariel and Caps). In RC2 "Music" appears as "Music" whereas in Gotham it appears as "MUSIC"
3) Serious issue. System locks up on a certain mp3 track. Nothing in dmesg nor xbmc.log. (Plays fine in RC2). NMON and TOP won't operate, but ssh is possible but only for certain commands. A poweroff will eventually happen but you have to wait a long time. No idea what is causing it, but it has happened twice now.
Retried on a different setup - same problem. Went back to a backup all works as expected. Upgraded again, same problem.
So it seems to work on XBMC 13 April 04 but not April 30 compilation.
(Update) Seems to be solved with XBMC 7th May.
4) Still seeing the xbian logo on dim screensaver - same as RC2 (Only occurs on LCD TV, not monitor)
5) ERROR: Open - failed to open source <http://ivka57.dyndns-ip.com/xbian-xbmc-repository/addons.xml>
occurs in xbmc,log - pointing at the old web address.
(17th Mar, 2014 07:11 PM)teekay Wrote: [ -> ]Having an up2date buildroot would be great. Will Koen upload a fixed one to sf.net then?
Any chance we could get the updated buildroot? The current one at
doesn't work for Gotham
This thread is now closed:
Please use
Gotham for all Xbian RC 2 XBMC 13 issues.